Anne Marie

Did anyone else like her? I did, she had a huge smile and was so chill and easy to be around. She seemed funny without much effort!


I agree Anne Marie was cool. She was funny and laidback. Her and Bonnie were my favorite of Roseanne's friends.

"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel


i liked her too. she was funny, was different from other characters. nice to see different types of people on the show. i liked her husband too Chuck. which they showed more of Chuck than they did Anne Marie.


I didn't like her. She seemed to be all angry and hateful. Remember the episode she slapped Chuck Jr in the face because he had drank the last juice box? Pyscho!


what episode was that?


It might be that mother's day BBQ episode. She did always seems angry. She was like a black Roseanne. I liked Chuck better. I like Bonnie the best of Roseanne's friends. Then, Crystal. I also liked that old lady Sylvia from season 1. She left after the second or third season.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Sylvia. She reminded me of Zelda (I think that was her name) in the movie "Silkwood."


Uh no, I'll have to heavily disagree. If anyone was always "angry and hateful," it was Roseanne in the later seasons. She was abominable post-Tom Arnold years! Ann-Marie was actually very chill and laidback in comparison.


I really liked her. Bonnie too.


I wish Bonnie and Anne Marie stayed


I liked Bonnie too. When they were at the bingo hall and she says to Roseanne, "Pull back, baby," when Roseanne was messing with the bingo-addicted woman.

Like the other poster said, I wish she would've stayed on the show longer.


"We'really just killing time til the strippers get here right".

Lol Anne Marie was awesome


She was full of spunk. A few times I found her annoying, but her youthful spirit was charming.
