
i've only been able to find the one where aunt Bee gets married and when she throws up in school. what other episodes did they make?

now get out of my van halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up


Okay here are the episodes in order:

Squeakerfoot - Ramona has new shoes that literally squeak when she walks; her mom accidentally gives her a raw egg for lunch.

Mystery Meal - When Ramona and Beezus find out what kind of meat they're having for dinner, they refuse to eat it so their parents make them prepare dinner the next night. It's rather cute, one of my favorites! :smile:

The Patient - She has the stomach flu and throws up in school and is afraid to go back, thinking everyone will make fun of her. She also has to do a book report.

Rainy Sunday - The title says it. It's raining outside and Ramona cannot find anything to do...except empty the tube of toothpaste...which her mom is less than happy about. Then at the end it finally stops raining and they go out to eat.

Goodbye, Hello - The saddest episode if you ask me; when their parents allow Beezus to watch Ramona after school, their cat Picky Picky passes away...but then their mom has some exciting news for them.

New Pajamas - Ramona loves her new pajamas a little too much...she wears them to school! Under her clothes that is.

Bad Day - Anything that could go wrong does go wrong for Ramona; she has a bad morning, a bad lunch, and she dyes her hand blue...and her parents have a huge argument and she thinks they're going to get a divorce.

Great Hair Argument - Beezus wants to change her hair and after persuading her mom she does...but it's a disaster; thankfully Aunt Bea saves the day.

Perfect Day - Aunt Bea and Howie's uncle Hobart are getting married...a really cute episode.

Siblingitis - The baby is born! And it's the last episode. :( I wish it hadn't ended here; I would have liked to have seen what life would have been like with the new baby.

I'm sure you've seen all these episodes, but I figured for those who may not have seen them I'd put a mini summary by each one...hope this helps! Go to eBay or Amazon and you can get the VHS tapes from 3rd party sellers (that's how I obtained mine!).

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.



i wanna be like barbie. that bitch has everything she wants
