Favorite episodes?

I haven't seen ALL of the cartoons, but a few of my favorites are...well I don't remember the names, but they are where they're at the beach and there's a headless skateboarder running them off to smuggle dolphins to carry drugs. And I also like the one with the ghost dog catcher who's after that hideous collar Scooby has to wear...and when Shaggy thinks Googy's baby-sitter is a monster and they have Boogity Bones in the basement going 'I want out!'. Also when they go to the amusement park to ride Monster Mountain, and when they go on For Letter or Worse, and when Red Herring's aunt hires them to find the Boogey Biker who stole her motorcycle. How about everyone else?


The babysitter one with boogedy bones lol.That is one episode I watched all the time.

Lonely chicago pie


I can barely remember them. I do remember one episode where Freddy and Scooby kept accusing someone and it blew up in their faces. They comically deflated like balloons. I just can't remember who it was...it couldn't have been Red Herring because Freddy goes after him all the time and is ALWAYS wrong. Anyone know what episode that was?


Catcher On The Sly is a favorite. The way Scooby kept outsmarting the dog catcher makes me laugh.
