Best speech

What's Mr B's greatest speech? I vote for the last one in the final episode. Quite brilliantly delivered, with such passion. Comedy aside, I think a lot can be learned about delivering a speech simply by watching B'Stards expressions and tone.

"For make no mistake, the time has come. To choose. Everybody, everybody in this hall knows that England is simply the greatest country in the world! So why should we, the country that produced Shakespeare, Florence Nightingale, Sir Christopher Wren, and those are just the people on our banknotes for Christ's sake. Cower down, to the countries that produced Hitler, Napoleon, the Mafia, and the the the, the the the, the the the Smurfs!

I myself have toiled in the bowels of Europe and I know what *beep* yes *beep* that passes though. And I wont say ooh pardon my French because I think it's about time we had some bloody good old fashioned Anglo Saxon!"

Brilliant. I also like his other speech when he was addressing those neo nazi thugs.


[caption saying "A party broadcast on behalf of the conservative party. Image of Gazza crying, sad music, fade to Alan behind a desk.]

Who in this country was not moved when that great Englishman, Gazza, wept bitter tears at the World Cup last year? People thought that he was cring because he had been booked by the umpire, and so would miss the final. But that was not the reason. He was crying at the thought that the Conservative government, the only government this young hero had ever known, was behind in the opinion polls. He was weeping at the threat of the return to power of a Labour rabble led by a bald Welsh windbag, dedicated to destroying Britain's prosperity, running down our currency, encouraging satanist abuse of our children, spreading Aids through their sponsorship of homosexual behaviour, abolishing the House of Lords and executing the royal family. Gazza didn't want that for his children, do you want it for yours? Or do you want a government that lets you share in Britains prosperity by offering you the chance of five, yes five, free Sun jackpot bingo cards with every registered Tory membership application. Yes, apply now to join the Tory party at this week's once in a lifetime special offer price of only £9.99 and you will receive a free Tarzen Teenage Hero Turtle T-shirt, a gazza car tidy, and the news of the world every Sunday for a year. But don't join the Tories simply because we are right, lets listen to what young Britons have to say...

It cuts two two thugs in a junk yard who seem to be either reading off a cue card or something similar (I forget what they had to say). And then it cuts back Alan to finding out what the "working women" has to say [two page 3 girls with T-shirts saying Torrie instead of the sun], one messes up her lines and Alan corrects her. Very, very funny stuff, Rik Mayall is priceless.

ThE MaStER wOuLd NoT ApPrOvE- Torgo


I like the one in "Friends of St James" actually, where he says: "In the past, you were poor, you got ill, and you died, But people nowadays seem to think that they have some God-given right to be cured!?"

Etc, etc

"I'm the Dandy Highwayman!!!"
~All that really matters is your manners and physique~


Yes, classic B'Stard talk! 'Friends of St James' is a great episode, the whole dope smoking is funny!


No I did not say I oppose abortion. What I said is I oppose the so called ‘woman’s rights to choose’. It should be the state’s right! Ugly stupid poor people should not be allowed to have children.

And of course Profit of Boom
“whatever people demand you must supply, hang the consequences turn all the rainforest into hardcore porno mags, give Ben Elton something to write a new play about’ I love the rest of the speach in that episode to "Marx is Dead God is Dead my the Market is Imortal!


Brilliant choices, I like them both!


Definitely Alan's Best-Man speech at Peirs' Wedding


The first episode when he's in the commons doing his speech on arming the police..."Let's DO IT to them before they DO IT to us!!"


When he's high in Friends of St James is a definate best.

Formerly cactusx + Grant_Mitchell


The Conservative Party conference speech in the episode 'Sex is wrong' was my favourite.

'Sex is wrong' by Lady Virginia Imirie ......

And for a mere £10, and what is £10 to people like us ? A half decent cigar, a weeks social security for a family of gypsies ? I know which one I'd prefer !

I know what you are all thinking - where on earth can I get a copy ?
