I loved this show

It defined a certain stage of my youth and I never found anything to replace it


I agree with you.

I bought on Ebay about 2 years ago some recordings from the television of this show, which I used to watch avidly, and it reminded me watching it recently just what a wonderful series it was.

Like you, it defined a specific period in my life - one in which I was in my mid to late 30's, my sister and her husband were living in California, and my wife and I had the good fortune to go out to San Francisco a couple of times.Whilst there, we of course fell in love with the city (not a hard thing to do) and also took part in the Bay to Breakers race in 1991.

I've never understood why such a gem of a show has not been formally put on DVD,when so much absolute junk is available in that media.

The Midnight Caller is a show I will never ever forget and the music will always be in my head.


