the opening theme

Does anybody know of a soundtrack or where one can find the soundtrack? I love the opening theme, and want to have it for listening whenever I want.


There is a soundtrack, I think. I can't remember who it was by.

I just downloaded the theme from limewire.

This siggys going to suffer. But its going to be happy about it!


The composer is Geoffrey Burgon. His distinctive music helped make several TV series of the 1980's, like Brideshead Revisted and Bleak House, especially memorable. While I have not seen a disc for LW&W I have seen a disc for Mr Burgon containing songs from several of the series he did the music for. As the previous poster noted you may find it on the net to download. Good Luck

I'll make a good Gordon, Gordon!


you can download it from

"When i look into your eyes, i can see the sky"


The soundtrack has recently been rereleased, I think on the Silva label.

"Snozberries? Who ever heard of a snozberry?"


Try here:

Btw, the song list there appears to be wrong, as when you click on the links it plays all pieces from Narnia (Tumnus's lullaby bit etc), not music the other projects.

There's another listing for it here:

While on the subject of the theme - does anyone have the sheet music for it? I've got my eye on a copy, I just want an opinion on if it's a decent adaptation to sheet music before I buy. Anyone?


I loved the theme music too - in fact when I watched it again a couple of days ago I sat at my keyboard and worked out all the chords. I didn't transcribe the actual melody but it is pretty simple really and not that hard to remember.
