MovieChat Forums > Just the Ten of Us Discussion > What was your favorite episode?

What was your favorite episode?

I really enjoyed the one where cindy got a job at the redio station. My sister and I used to watch this show all the time. I wasn't as into Growing Pains as I got into this show. Jamie Luner reminded me of a friend of mine.


The one where they all had to try out for the choir. It made me cry.

Have you talked to your Doctor about the movies you watch? -My Grandma


Cry with laughter or pain? I liked that episode too. Remember the old guy singing and finally when Elizabeth says, "OK we don't need anymore," he says, "Well, good, I don't know anymore!"


I liked the one where they audition people for a choir for the church and after JR sings I Feel Pretty from West Side Story, they decide to just let everyone pick their own songs. Some of them were just nutty. I also liked the one involving Sherry smoking a cigarette and nobody believes she is guilty.


My favorite episode is called "False impressions." The girls are dressing for the Medieval Ball when Cindy and Connie discover that their costume sizes have been mixed up. They switch costumes, with Cindy wearing a modest, flowing gown and Connie wearing a very low cut, cleavage enhancing wench's dress.



"Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! You're leaning to the right-us ..."

Well, I thought it was funny.

Oh, but then our lives: believe me, they are indeed wretched.


I kinda liked the episodes where they sang. I always enjoyed it. Any new news if this is coming out on DVD soon or not? or going to be shown on any networks.


Yeah, and Coach dresses up as Santa and he's at the door and nobody will let him in because they're arguing and he says, "Well, this must be the right house all right. I can hear all the fighting going on inside." Then when he's inside he starts talking about boys and sex and Elizabeth says they don't have time to hear this and the black coach says, "I'd like to hear it." and Coach swings the bag at him.



the one where graham changed his name to mitch and started working in a fast food restaurant always pops into my head, so i'll go with that.


I haven't seen an episode in almost 20 years,so I don't remember too many episodes. But I fondly remember the episode where the girls accidently bump the van into Father Harga's car and it rolls into the school swimming pool. I think that was my favorite.


The one where they kept showing graham's picture and in the picture he had this weird look on his face lmao

"there are aspects, of my personality that I can't control"


The 2nd part of the Virgin Islands episode.

I also liked the one with Marie going to the convent and the mom thinks she is just doing it to please her.

It was done really well in a surreal way, I liked how they filmed it.


My favorite episode was the one where they jumped to the wrong conclusion about their dad's "yo-yo-ectomy" (he refused to let the doctor say hemorrhoids) and they think he's dying. The Dinner Test (with Matthew Perry) is another one of my favorites.


My favorite was when Sherry & J.R. broke the mom's dishes.
I also often quote the line to people "Eyeballs don't pop out like MARBLES, you moron!"
Just the way the actress delivered that line was hilarious!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


For me, one of the most memorable episodes was the very second one "First Day at School," the one where JR starts a rumor that his family moved in order for his dad to escape the law. There are so many great lines and exchanges.

When JR gets teased about his dad's appearance he tells two kids:

JR: He shaved his head to disguise himself.
Kid 1: Why, is being fat a federal offense?
JR: No. Back at my old school, he killed a kid...just to watch him die!

When Graham runs into a kid in the hall:

Graham: Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going?
Kid [in a panic]: Yes sir! I mean no sir! I mean AHHHHHHHHH! [runs away]
Graham : Sir...I like that.

It esclates from there, and Graham finally has a talk with JR when he learns about his lie:

Graham: Think about your sisters! Not one boy in the school will touch them. [realizing that's a good thing, he smiles to himself]
JR: Hey, you smiled!
Graham: No I didn't, that was just gas.

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."
