Skye is annoying

She's so nosey and ruins other people's fun just because she isn't having any.


I'm glad somebody else has noticed. The part where she started shouting at VJ to come home was a disgrace. What was he doing wrong? He was talking about surfing to some girls. And she made him feel like this was a horrible thing to do? It's okay for her to have the hots for Oscar but no one else is allowed to have a sexuality.


Exactly. She too "in your face" all the time.


Got to say though, she looks good in a bikini.


And stood next to psycho Hunter and spoilt bitch Olivia, she's an angel.


I'm starting to notice that Olivia looks about 25.


The actress is 23 so you are close :)


I guess the producers agreed about Skye being annoying given how shocking her exit was. She completely changed character and left town to live with a former thug after one 30 second scene with John.


Oh well, hopefully she'll be happy.And we're left with a show full of truly annoying characters.


Do you really think she'll be back? Why would she be?


I didn't mind Skye at first. She was a little odd and pushy, but she was still fun and endearing at the beginning. But I lost completely respect for her when she went with Tank, despite that he caused the explotion. How she could fall for a character who's beyond bad, is questionable to me. If his tough aura had some sex appeal of some sense, it would've been understandable, but the guy completely lacks any hints of sexiness.


Technically speaking Tank wasn't responsible for the explosion, though. He was partly responsible for it, though it was much more Andy's responsibility, and there's a reason Andy was charged and Tank wasn't.


Did we ever find out why Skye was axed so abruptly? The actress must have done something bad.


I thought it was just part of the mass of departures around that time, if anything.


Okay, sorry.


It's okay. I just feel that that was the one thing Tank did that he wasn't fully responsible for - and I believe that he changed. I guess I agree with Skye? :)
