Best episodes?

My favorites were

- The "spot the mistakes" episode
- The episode where frozen yougurt fills the house and they each have a different story about how it happens
- The one where a He-Man like character thinks Garfield is an alien.



All three of the above are classic episodes (I only saw the mistakes episode a few days ago and was ROFL) but I'd like to add a couple of my own:

Pros and Cons
Mini Mall Matters
Five Minute challenge
Robodie 2
Lifestyles of the Fat and Furry (with Robin Leach)
Hansel and Garfield


"Picnic Panic" with the singing picnic ants and "The Ocean Blue" with the hungry shark/calypso singing narrator.

Strength of mind, force of will...


- The "spot the mistakes" episode
- The episode where frozen yougurt fills the house and they each have a different story about how it happens
- The one where a He-Man like character thinks Garfield is an alien.

Those episodes are:

- Mistakes Will Happen (The Outtake Episode)
- Twice Told Tale (The Yogurt Incident)
- Invasion of the Big Robots (He-Man + Transformers)

The Tick: The night is young and we have umbrellas in our drinks.


I can't remember the titles, but I liked the episode where Garfield and Odie attack Jon's date, who was just trying to sell him insurance.

Also good was the one where Odie gets lost and is mistakenly picked up by a trucker, they get chased by a rival trucker. The episode is narrated by Garfield in a song, which as Garfield would say, is a nice touch. There were numerous epiodes of Odie getting lost, but that was the best.

It's harder to remember episodes from the later seasons, but the ones that were good:

The Feline Fantasies episode, where Garfield and Odie go one a James Bond style mission to find a banana.

There was another that I think was one of the very last, and the plot is something like: Jon gets picked up by a witch, who has a pet dragon, and all you can see is the dragon's feet. And it was one of the rare two part episodes. That's all I can remember. Wasn't there also an episode entirely in Black and White? I can't remember anything at all about that one.


I have no recollection of the entirely Black and White episode.
These are the episodes you mean:
Rainy Day Dreams (episode #77)
Truckin' Odie (episode #215)
Garfield's Feline Fantasies (20-27 minutes)
Horror Hostess (1) (episode #355)
Horror Hostess (2) (episode #356)

Realize that the one-hour series sometimes runs half-hour specials in the second half-hour segment. Garfield Fantasies DVD is what you're looking for.

Rainy Day Dreams is on DVD Volume 2.
Truckin' Odie is on DVD Volume 4.
Horror Hostess Parts I and II are on the not-yet-released DVD Volume 5.
This post is September 12th, 2005. It's 2:51 PM Pacific.


For the black and white episode, I think he means Count Lasagna, though only for Jon's comic scenes (the regular part of the show was in color).

The Tick: The night is young and we have umbrellas in our drinks.


That might be OR he might be referring to the half hour special Babes and Bullets which primarily is in black and white also.


My favorites:

It Must Be True
Attack of the Giant Robots
Video Airlines
Mistakes Will Happen
Cash and Carry
The Multiple Choice Cartoon
Truckin Odie
Big Bad Buddy Bird
Fast Food
Rainy Day Robot
Who Done It


Don't know the names of episodes, but the sludge monster one was good.


I really enjoyed the one where Garfield and Nermal are competing in a talent show. In the same episode, there is the segment, All About Odie, I found it to be very hilarious, though it got mean during the end. I do not know why, though, there are tons of episodes where Garfield is in front of a pretend audience, and he gets insulted and/or booed.


My favorite episodes are:
Fit For a King
Dessert in the Desert
Wonderful World


The ones with the invincible food-stealing ants.
The one with Jon's valley-speaking niece.


My favs are the holiday episodes


Mine too for sure. I like the Halloween episode the best.


posted 15 years ago lol,
