Finally saw it

And I have to say I was disappointed.

There was some very good writing, acting and (for TV) filmmaking on display, but the plot seemed to get more and more ridiculous as the hours went by and it became clear, at least to me, that the writer had plotted most of the novel this teleplay was based on AS HE WENT ALONG.

And when it comes to thrillers, you simply can't get away with that.


Some wonderful stuff was -- bravo! -- set up in advance, like Sally reacting to the assassin's bullet a split-second too early... great. And Agent Ross going over the video of the assassination multiple times throughout the story... great. And the early setting-up of the assassin's only black shell casing... great.

But so many other elements that were introduced very carefully WERE NEVER PAID OFF. Examples:

Brenner telling the FBI to investigate Sally's personal history -- was never paid off.

The gas canister in Peterson's cabin that Peterson HIMSELF ignites during the fire-fight at the motel, leaving open the possibility that he may still be alive somewhere -- was never paid off.

Ramierez "seeming to be afraid of" Sally when he reaches out and touches her face -- was never paid off.

And these are just the examples that leap to mind. I know there are others. And the problem with plotting a byzantine thriller like this one "by the seat of one's pants" is that your ending invariably suffers, and this was no exception.

The myriad plot strands of FAVORITE SON were substantially resolved by a President in high dudgeon acting like a deux ex machina and basically bellowing first to one guy, "I'm the President, dammit, and I know you're guilty and I want your confession today, understand?" and then doing much the same thing to another guy. Bippity, boppity, boo. End of story.

And I'm sorry but that just simply isn't satisfying. And the ending of this story surely COULD have been satisfying... if only it had been plotted out more carefully in advance.
