MovieChat Forums > Empty Nest (1988) Discussion > Which daughter is funniest

Which daughter is funniest

Carol, Barbara or Emily.

Model of the Empty Nest set..


Barbara!!!! I LOVED her and hated when she left.

Real love is FOREVER!!!!


There really isn't a wrong anwser to the question that was posed because it comes down to who you thought in your opinion was the funniest.

I thought the way the show was written in most of the episodes {not all} the funnier lines went to Carol{Dinah Manoff} and there was a good reason for that. Before they casted the two characters, there is no question Dinah Manoff backround was much more extensive than Kristy McNichol in comedic roles.

Kristy in 1988 at the age of 26 decided to try something she had never done before she took on the challenge of being in front of a live audience of about 200 on a weekly sitcom. It was a totally new genre for her. In a weekly tv sitcom she neeeded to learn about 45 pages of dialogue & learn new jokes, when to hit the jokes, know your blocking, & not forget a thing in front of that life audience which for Kristy coming from a world of drama that doesn't always translate to the comedic form. Doing comedy is not easy and I just mentioned just a few things you need to do, to be able to be successful playing a comedic role in a sitcom.

But she learned quickly and not only did she win over the critics but she once again amazed me at what a talent she was. Obviously, over the years she has proven to be very talented in palying dramatic roles. If she was able to continue her movie career without the problems that she ended up unfortunately having, I think there is no question that she was heading in the right direction in getting that juicy role all actors seek. If she especially got that juicy dramtic role, she in my mind would have taken home at least one oscar. That's how much I think of her talent and people who know way more than myself, feel the same way about how talented she was. I work behind the scenes in movies & I have spoken to some people who know talent when they see it and they agree with me. Some agree more than others, but they all agree for a person who never had any training as an actor, she is one very well gifted actress. But, it wasn't meant to be & at this point I don't think she'll ever leave that reclusive lifestyle she is presently living.

In Empty Nest Kristy was more than good playing Barbara, but Carol{Dinah Manoff} was funnier. She got the funnier lines & deserved that part. I think the casting was perfect. I'm happy Kristy play Barbara and Dinah play Carol.


Emily was the least funny. LOVED Barbara & Carol.



I loved your comments about Kristy and agree with you about her talent. I love Kristy. I gave a longer comment to this thread just now which shows up at the end.


My favorite is Carol....I liked Barbara too but really disliked Emily.

"Dreams are like paper; they tear so easily." ~Gilda Radner~


I think Carol (Dinah Manoff) had better lines...but NO ONE can compare to my wonderful Kristy McNichol!

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!


Without a doubt Carol is the funniest of the two. What Barbara says is what you'd expect a sitcom character to say but what Carol says catches you off guard and is really really funny and well delivered. She delivers her lines perfectly. She really is believable. Nothing against Barbara but Carol (Dinah)had better lines and a better character to play than Kristy McNichol did.


carol no doubt.

check my beats out!!


I find Barbara funnier. Carol is way too whiny and annoying for me. Look at me daddy! What about me daddy! Me daddy not, me, me!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I find myself hitting the mute button whenever she's on, because she gets very annoying.


Without a doubt, Carol is my favorite of the three sisters or of any of the female cast members on the show. Her high-strung personality is amusing to me. Barbara is also likeable and certainly the show was not the same without her, but I still like Carol the best.


Well it is hard to say who is funniest since I Have not seen the show in a long time but I did just watch an old episode I taped. Sadly I only have one episode of this show but I remembered how much I liked Kristy McNichol on that show. I had always liked her as an actress in her movies and felt she was an exceptional talent. When I saw her do comedy I loved it and I think its my favorite thing she has done. She was so funny to me. In this one episode I watched she and Carol are babysitting a baby and Barbara decides she wants a baby. But at one point the baby cries so much and they cant get it to stop. Barbara brings a bottle out and Carol tells her it needs to be tested first. Carol means how you squirt it on your wrist but Barbara didnt know and she just sips out of the bottle herself and says "its fine to me". IT cracked me up. SHe did things like that and made me laugh so hard. I just loved Kristy on that show and so hated when she had to leave.


I really didn't like Carol. She was annoying and behaved like a child. Dinah Manoff has always bugged me anyway. Barbara was much funnier and it really sucked when Kristy MacNichol left, I always liked her. The show then put the focus primarily on Carol which was the pits because it became solely about her neuroses. I don't remember Emily so I can't comment on her, how long was she on and when did she leave? Who played her?

One major pet peeve I had about the daughters was that they called their father "Daddy". These are adult women but they insisted on acting like teenagers.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


I'm a grown man and I still call my daddy that. It is to me more a term of endearment more personal than a former thing of saying father. SOmetimes I refer to him as dad but most times it is daddy.


NONE of them, actually. I'd say Barbara was the least annoying, Carol was the most (whinyness isn't funny to me, but as they say mileage varies), and Emily...she was just kinda there.

Funniest overall was Laverne. When Barbara left I pretty much watched the show for her.


I liked Laverne better then carol.she schoold had more storylines she told it like it was I liked how she was protective of max and harry,

I mostly watched for carol just to see what charley was going say to her next that was proably it

Laverne and harry had best chemisty


Yes, I agree. Harry and Laverne had great chemistry.

And, yes, Laverne should have had more story lines.

There was also good chemistry between the two daughters, Carol and Barbara.


To answer the original question:

Which daughter is funniest: Carol, Barbara, or Emily?

Carol and Barbara were both funny, especially in their scenes together when they were arguing or disagreeing.

Emily was rather bland, and she was never there.
