The theme song.

Am I the only one who really like the upbeat version of this shows theme song? I'm not sure when it first started, my guess is after the first season, but when I was a kid back in the 90's I used to dance to this shows theme, and my mom would laugh.

It was so funky, and I like how they showed Harry come down the stairs and did that silly John Travolta point like in Saturday Night

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I just saw a couple episodes tonight. The first one was from the first season where it was the slower version and pretty much just showed Harry and Dreyfuss walking around town.

Then for some reason the station jumped to the first episode of season four which was pretty jarring. The speed of the song was ramped up and they had cheesy background singers. Plus it was all clips from the show instead of just Harry and the dog. I thought it was disappointing.

But I didn't see the clip of Harry doing John Travolta. Not sure what season that was and if the theme song was the same. I guess it made sense to speed up the song. In the first season we were supposed to be sad because Harry's wife just died. It wasn't necessary to remind the audience of that in later seasons.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


The speed of the song was ramped up and they had cheesy background singers.

I very much preferred the ramped up version of the song to the slower version. I actually thought that the background singers were excellent. Not cheesy at all. They added a lot to the song, I think.

I guess it made sense to speed up the song. In the first season we were supposed to be sad because Harry's wife just died. It wasn't necessary to remind the audience of that in later seasons.

Great point. I never thought of it that way. But, yes, that makes a great deal of sense. Thanks.


How funny - I just came here to see if anyone had mentioned the theme song. I really like it too. I think it was one of the better songs and it has not dated badly. I do not know about the different versions though. The only one I know is the "life goes on" song. It sticks in my head.


I do not know about the different versions though. The only one I know is the "life goes on" song. It sticks in my head.

They are both the "life goes on ... and so do we ... and how we do it is no mystery ..." song.

It's just that they have two versions of the same exact song. One is very upbeat and cheerful and fast-paced. The other is more mellow, slow, and almost sad and wistful.

But, they are the same exact song (lyrics), and the same singing group (Billy Vera and The Beaters).


Am I the only one who really like the upbeat version of this shows theme song? I'm not sure when it first started, my guess is after the first season, but when I was a kid back in the 90's I used to dance to this shows theme, and my mom would laugh.

It was so funky, and I like how they showed Harry come down the stairs and did that silly John Travolta point like in Saturday Night

Yes, I love the theme song. I actually find myself singing it to myself at times. I really like the upbeat version much, much more. In fact, after hearing the upbeat version, I am "disappointed" when I hear the slower version in any particular episode.

And, yes, Harry Weston's (Richard Mulligan's) "John Travolta move" was hysterical.
