Am I the only one who thinks the theme song is extremely catchy?

I just discovered the theme song yesterday on and I can't help listening and watching the intro again and again. What do all of you in IMDB land think?


I wish somebody would stick up some of the cartoons on there. I just stumbled across this page, I used to love this show as a kid. Man, I miss this.


Yes unfortunately all the EGs that were on YT are gone because that person's account got suspended. (That's what happens when you post copyrighted stuff on YT and get caught...). I have the opening of the show posted on my website here:



I just recently found it on YT too. I completely forgot about this cartoon until I saw the intro and it all came back to me... :)
I always thought the theme song was catchy too, it'll be in my head for the rest of the day. haha


I think this is a great little tune and I'm happy to say I was in the room, a small recording studio near Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, when it was put together. A brilliant composer named Mike Tavera wrote it, as well as doing all the music for the show, including the Gustav Brothers theme. It took Mike about two or three hours, as I recall, once he had the basic song down, to modify it and add things, subtract things, to make it a complete theme. For my money, it's one the best themes ever.


The theme tune reminds me of the music on Pee Wee's big adventure,and i think Ed is styled similar to Pee Wee Herman,lol.
