How'd they get the mansion?

At the end of the film we see the three ladies obviously living in Daryl's mansion, en famille. How did they acquire this huge piece of real estate? Seems a bit beyond the reach of a struggling artist, a small-town reporter and a music teacher. Did Daryl somehow will the house to them? Perhaps Fidel knew where Daryl kept his money? Hmmmm.



All three of the babies that the girls had was Daryl's and since Daryl had no other family- everything went to the babies. Money, mansion-everything. They were also still witches so they could also just snap a finger to get it. (Atleast according to this story. True Wiccans are not so lucky and have no connection to the devil. ) lol.



BUt not all witches are "Wiccans".


I've always noticed that their spell book, "maleficio," is sitting next to alex on the table in the pool room near the end, the scene where the three are sitting together coloring with the girls. I always assumed since they've finally accepted that they are witches, they learned to use the book to get what they want.
