Alternative Ending??

who here thinks it would've been funnier if when Owen tells Larry that his Momma died of natural causes and after Larry says I'm sorry to hear that, Owen then says "yea poor Momma, who'd have known she would choke on an unsalted peanut?"

I think that would have been a MUCH MUCH MUCH better ending as it is, I couldn't stop laughing throughout the movie and my friend and I just thought that one up out of the blue. LOL who all's with me?????

Behind every great a woman rolling her eyes



Thats classic man! that wud have been alot beta

As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster - Henry Hill


That's stupid and would have been a truly stupid ending.


Thats a good ending but guy above mes an idiot, so wutcha gonna do?


I agree that would have been a wicked ending - good work!




No. Bad ending - too chessy and predictable.


by - fallom14 on Sat Sep 16 2006 06:22:31

No bad ending - too chessy and predictable.

Predictable? But you didn't think of it, did you?

Chessy, huh? What makes it chessy? Are you saying
it's too logical for? You like things that don't
make you think too much?

Anyway, no, not as an ending, but definitely would
have been funny if he said that at that part in the

PS. To the OP. Next time you talk about what happens
in a movie you should put ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS***
before you give something away - ANYTHING. Thanks.
If I hadn't seen the movie yet I'd probably come to
hunt you down.


no because she ate the unsalted peanuts millions of times and she never died b4 so why should she die now?? it woulda been cheezy.


i'm with Abuali

the unsalted peanuts death would have been a bit cheezy.

i liked the original ending cuz it showed how Owen still cared for his mother even after she died when he wrote a children's book with her in it and it most likely being a sweet cute little kid's book

i found it to be good character development, its really like anyone who fights with a parent, they hate them and hate them and hate them yet when they are gone, the person still does care and miss them.

very subtle and very effective

Hey Laser Lips Yo Momma Was A Snow Blower - Johnny 5




although that is a funny line and owen is known for being dumb. choking ona peanut isnt a natural cause.


who says?



That's amazing.


I don't think so.



That would have made a comically brilliant not to mention ambiguous ending. It would have fitted in with the whole lackly comic mood of the movie while straddling between being too dark and the subtle lunacy of the film. Although it might have hinged on people remembering the reference Momma make's about the peanuts earlier on in the film.

