3.2 Rating?

Ok it's a little corny and the sfx aren't great but it's better than a 3.2 surely?


The material is overly familiar, the whole anti-nuke plot as banal as it gets and the Nuclear Man's a terrible invention (especially as portrayed by that blond thug... one can hardly even call it "acting"), but otherwise I didn't find it that much worse than the first two films. Plenty cheesy for sure, but so were those earlier ones. Rated it 5/10 (although, on a second thought, I should probably lower it by a notch for the absolutely godawful special effects - these green screen shots would have perhaps... perhaps... been acceptable in the 1950's, but certainly not in 1987).

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


The rating is too low, this film is not great but it is watchable, the acting is ok and it does have a certain cheesy charm. I think it would be better with the deleted scenes added back in, especially the tornado scenes and the scenes with Clark and Lacey.


Deserves much higher. All the Reeves Supermans got a bum deal on score.


Im sure we have all seen a lot worse. I know I have. Sure this was cheap and you could really see that they needed more money in this production. The story idea wasn't bad, just had a internal fighting because of trying to film a movie knowing halfway through this vision if a film was going to suck because of cash flow and a studio going out or business. Most of the production and acting was "phoned in" because everyone probably gave up while making it. You will never make a good movie with that formula.
