MovieChat Forums > Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) Discussion > Could Re-edit and New SFX Save This Film...

Could Re-edit and New SFX Save This Film?

I don't know why the studio, director or even an ambitious film student doesn't try to salvage it.


I don't think it'll ever happen but it would be interesting if the 134 minute cut was released with enhanced special effects.


I think that the deleted scenes from the DVD would have helped the film a bit.

Spoiler Alert

- Clark and Lacy resolve their subplot and it is implied that Lacy will purchase Ma and Pa Kent's farm

- Lex Luthor gets some comedic skits selling arms to the US and USSR

- Lex Luthor's absence from the film's climax is explained in that he goes into hiding when Nuclear Man decides to initiate World War III for fun

- The film gets a tense moment in which Superman knocks Nuclear Man out of the air and prevents the launch of nuclear missiles

- A proto Nuclear Man is created and challenges Superman before getting fried to a crisp. This one I'm on the fence about, as the comedy surrounding the character is quite terrible, but it adds another action scene to the film and gives Superman a victory before his loss to Nuclear Man.

- Jeremy gets cameo in the film's closing scene commenting on a world without borders

It wouldn't have turned the film into a masterpiece, but it would have strengthened the narrative a bit, resolved some loose issues, and added a little more in the way of action as well.

"In literature, it's called plagiarism. In the movies, it's homage." ~ Roger Ebert


It's funny, I've often thought that too. I'm sure if they changed the beginning to the usual blue credits scene, re edited it and fixed the cgi, we'd improve the movie no end. It will never be as good as the others but if they did that it would be better.

If I win the lottery I'll contact WB and give them the money to re do it and release it on Bluray!



I may have a go at editing it esp with new opening credits.



With a multi-million dollar budget, access to the latest CGI, access to all of the missing scenes and co-operation from all of the surviving cast members, it might just be possible to craft an acceptable entry into the 1970s / 1980s SUPERMAN film series.

It surely couldn't be any worse than MAN OF STEEL.



With state of the art cgi and a John Williams new score how bad can it turn out?


Both Superman IV and Star Trek V need the SFX redoing and to be rereleased


Nah. The original sfx are part of its charm.

There's only one man who'd DARE give me the raspberry
