I loved it

This was an awesome movie I loved it so much I like the second one too and the third was ok. But this was awesome.


I really liked this film the best! I loved Jill Schoelen! Terry O'quinn was so effective as Jerry Blake!


I loved it too! The sequel (although not as effective) was very good. The third one was okay... O' Quinn is sorely missed. Jill was so great in the original! Any other Jill fans out there?


I am a big fan of Jill Schoelen. I saw most of her movies! I loved her in Popcorn and When a stranger calls back and Phantom of the opera!. I also saw her in The Curse 2, Jill Schoelen saved that from being a piece of S*it I thought. I loved when she was singing. I also loved her part in That was then this is now. I also seen her in Chiller and Rich Girl. I have a group

it has tons of pictures of Jill and reviews I wrote.

Terry O'Quinn was great in The Stepfather! He was so creepy!


Wait..... are you guys being serious? This movie was terrible!!!!!!!!! The acting was absolutley laughable! I just watched this movie 2 seconds ago (it was on Showtime) and I thought it was hilarious!!!! Is that why you all thought it was so great? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


You must have missed the subject. It's "I loved it", not "KelBel18's self-indulgent trolling".
