Can no longer...

Trust IMDb ratings after giving this a 7.1. I'd give about a 4.0. The only part liked was when she took her headphones off near the beginning.


You are high as a kite. Go away.

"She's gone from suck to blow"


All that tells us is that you weren't born yet when this movie came out, hence you don't get it. Go back to watching Mean Girls.


Nah, I'll watch Airplane or Naked Gun instead.


I saw it when it first came out and didn't like it as much as I had most of his other movies.

But, over the years, I've come to like it more and more - especially after my son watched it and we were able to quote the movie to each other.


Appropriate response from another Mel Brooks movie:
"And of course, with the birth of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth... the critic."


Spaceballs is the movie that made you "no longer trust IMDB ratings? That's hilarious!

I consider it a major win for Spaceballs!!!


I saw this at the cinema when it first came out. Watched it again tonight and it is unbelievably lame. Agreed - the headphone scene was the only amusing one. The rest of it is just awful. Repetitive, puerile jokes and very bad editing.

It took Mel Brooks SIX MONTHS to write this garbage? Seriously? Dark Helmet? Colonel Sandurz? Dot Matrix? Pizza the Hut?

I think the worst bit was the dink-dinks. Oh how hilarious - a bunch of dwarves say "dink dink" over and over.



I thought it was dumb when it came out. A few years later I watched it again and liked it even less. I watched it a third time recently late at night, and found it to be completely moronic. The weird thing is, I absolutely love Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein. I have a hard time believing the same person made all three movies. I am not a gifted writer, but I think if I dedicated myself I could churn out a much funnier parody of Star Wars than this piece of crap.
