MovieChat Forums > Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) Discussion > The ending of this and 'Pretty in Pink' ...

The ending of this and 'Pretty in Pink' can make a guy mad!

While I love both movies (Some kind of Wonderful is a top 10 for me), the endings can make a guy mad.

In Pretty in Pink, I wanted Andie to end up with Duckie, but she got with Blane and in Some Kind of Wonderful, I wanted Keith to end up with Amanda, but he ended up with Watts.


I'm totally opposite. In 'Pretty in Pink', I wanted Andie with Blane. Duckie was just a bit too weird for my tastes to want Andie to end up with him. And in 'Some Kind of Wonderful', I wanted Keith with Watts. We didn't know Amanda all that well and much of what I saw of her I didn't care for. She finally grew a spine in the end but no way did I want her with Keith. Keith didn't even know her. He ogled her from afar...that's not love. He and Watts had great chemistry and I could totally see a lasting relationship there unlike between him and Amanda. IMO, he and Amanda would have had a short-lived relationship. They really had no common ground. They didn't really even know each other, and from what I saw, they didn't even share the same interests. That's not the start of a lasting relationship.


I agree with Couldburst; I didn't want Andie with Duckie. They were too close as friends and there was no way she would ever be attracted to him that way. Not after all that time.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Keith and Watts are fine, but I don't see Andie and Duckie. Then again, I don't see Andie and Blaine either. I think the best ending would have been Andie on her own telling Blaine he wasn't worthy of her and to get a spine and stop caring what everyone thinks......but now he has to do that with someone else because it's too late for her now.
And for Andie to tell Duckie to drop the obsessive stalker cr@p and get on with his life. Sometimes it's cruel to be kind. After all, Duckie sure seemed to 'get over her' in a hurry when the other girl just smiled at him in the end.

I think this 'carrying a torch' for someone was done best in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion when Sandy Frank pines for Michelle while Heather Mooney pines for Sandy Frank. In the end, no one 'gets' anyone. In fact, at the reunion, Heather is aghast that she was infatuated with him. HA!







MissKitty--- Blaine does not say that at the end of Pretty and Pink. What Blaine says is "I believed in you, I always believed in you. I just didn't believe in me" As in he didn't believe in himself to make the right choices. It was her who made him believe in himself finally. So maybe that'll put some better perspective on the movie or you


There's definitely a double-standard here--in PIP, the quirky female protagonist ends up with the dreamy guy, and in SKOW they flip the genders and the guy picks... the quirky girl--but that's okay, because these films were primarily aimed at young females and there's a certain bit of wish fulfillment there. It wasn't until those young females grew up that they started to question Andi choosing Blaine over Duckie.

'Cause there's thunder in your heart... every move is like lightning!


It is not a double standard. Men and women are different. .... Women are hypergamous. Also, compare Duckie's stalkerish behavior to a woman who acts the same way. It is perceived a lot differently, because men and women are different.


I totally agree, I think the endings should have been switched.


Same here I am just like uggh dammit get the friggin ending right. Not that I felt that Duckie and Andie were perfect for each other or anything but they had a strong relationship that I thought could lead to something whereas I don't feel like Andie and Blaine had any chemistry or anything in common and he treated her like *beep* I felt like Keith and Amanda had a rough start but they had chemistry together they were both flawed and from a similar background so they had something they could build off of in the future.


I am happy the way both Pretty in Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful ended.

What is interesting about these films and you can toss Sixteen Candles in the mix too, in these films it was the girl who got the guy of her dreams at the end. In most 80s films it is the uncool guy who gets the girl at the end i.e. Karate Kid, Weird Science, Revenge of the Nerds, Can't Buy Me Love, Vision Quest, Pump Up the Volume, Back to School, etc.

Duckie showed is true love for Andie when her told her to go for Blane. He was right, Blane was not a bad guy and truly cared for Andie. Also the film makes it clear that Duckie is about to land an incredibly hot girl at the end.

As for Amanda and Watts, Watts truly loved Keith. She just never knew how to say it. While Amanda cared for Keith, she at first went out with him to get revenge on Hardy. She knew that he should be with Watts and did the right thing by returning the earrings.
