MovieChat Forums > Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) Discussion > Anyone tend to feel like Watts in real l...

Anyone tend to feel like Watts in real life romantic triangles?

I know I currently am Watts… Minus the happy ending, of course. (Though I guess our story isn't over yet… So perhaps there's hope.)

This is gonna *beep* do for him what "Jade" did for David Caruso.


Good luck. I hope you get your happy ending.


Yes. I am in love with a guy I've known for over 10 years ago, and with whom I share a lot of similar thoughts. He is dating someone else who he went on holiday with a few months ago, and it breaks my heart. I don't think he knows how I feel. He knows I've been upset a few times, but not why. Once he asked me to give him and/or his guy mate a shout if I need them. But now that his relationship has progressed to holidays abroad, perhaps he's too busy to help, and he doesn't know I'm pining for him...

Last year he had a girlfriend and I went through heartbreak then, but this time it is all over facebook which makes it even harder. I am pretty sure he liked me a lot in the past - a conclusion that other people came to too...

I have refrained from telling him on both occasion because I don't want to offend or upset him or his girlfriend. I have thought of telling one of our mutual friends, making it clear that I am not telling him what he should do or trying to spoil his happiness. I sent him a Valentine's card in Feb this year but don't think he got it??

It has got to the point where I am avoiding going to sports events with the society where we are both members, because I find it too painful being around him, which is a shame, as I miss the whole gang as well as the events.

And like Sindi with Amanda,I can't help comparing myself to his girlfriend, who I see as better, prettier and more talented than me. He has also made friends with her family, so I feel like I have NO chance, although I get on well with his mates and our mutual friends and for a while could detect a real chemistry between us. But his girlfriend seems really keen on him, and I don't want to make her unhappy or hate me.

I really feel for you in your situation, as I know exactly how you feel. I hope and pray you find the best happiness possible - you deserve it! Take care.


That's an amusing story. I guess for the same reason I like John Hughes movies, i can apreciate what you've told us.

If you happen to still be around, have you ever found a happy ending? Was it with the person you were first atracted to?


Dear insecure;
You need to. Lay of the 'shrooms


I ALWAYS always end up like Watts, but minus the happy ending as well! Numerous times I have liked someone, they may even have liked me too, but then they ended up liking someone else and kept me as a friend. In some cases, they weren't sure they liked me enough, they didn't not want to lose me as a friend if relationship failure to launch occurred. So they skipped the countdown altogether. In some cases, it was for a good reason that it never happened because I later discovered not-so-good things about that person, and other times they were just too much of a chickensh*t to even try.

I thought you came up here to have a nervous breakdown. ..I decided not to have one.



I am kind of in a Watts and Keith situation right now. Just there isn't any triangle situation (that I know of). I have known the guy for 15 years, I always had a thing for him but kept it at a friendship level because his was my best friends (growing up) younger brother, and I just didn't think he could possibly view me as more than just his sisters friend.

He has gotten into a couple of relationships over the years. And yes I have been jealous every time. Right now though we are both single. And we have been hanging out quite a bit lately. And the more time I spend with him..The deeper my feelings grow. I want to tell him so much. But I don't want to scare him off. Currently he is the best friend I have. And I would hate to lose that. On the other hand I would love to plant one on him Ala Keith and Watts in the garage.

Who knows....maybe someday ;).
