Hughes pedophile???

This guy worked with kids all the time then got so pissed because Molly Ringwald wouldn't do this movie for him. Seems like there was a little more going on than just movies.


That perhaps would be right except he stuck all these semi middle-aged people into the film to play 17/18 year olds. Quite frankly it looks somewhat bizarre. I mean Eric Stolz ... 18?? He looks 25 at best and was actually around 26 when he made the film. Same with a lot of the other characters.🐭


Are you mentally retarded or something? In the first place, a pedophile is attracted to children, not people in their late teens. Hell, Ringwald was 19 when this movie came out in 1987, meaning that she was probably 18 when the movie was made.


Yeah and she was pribably 15 while filming sixteen candles and 16 when filming breakfast club I guess thats not pedofile age though. Thats when his relationship with her started. You are the retard idiot.


While I wouldn't call him a pedo, I do think he a little crushy-poo on Molly.


I would classify 15 or 16 as teenager. A pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. So an adult male being interested in a 16 year old might be icky it does not make him a pedophile.

fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


No, the guy who answered you was correct - you're an idiot. Apedophile is actually attracted to little children, not those on the cusp of adulthood. Even if he had an interest in an underage girl, it's not the same as pedophilia. I guess you're too busy pointing fingers to learn the difference? Or too stupid.


I've read a few articles on Hughes, and he flat out said he felt Molly Ringwald was the perfect epitome of teen angst and attitude. It's very similar to Tim Burton's preference to Jonny Depp. Just because they are two males, does that make them gay? No. Directors always have specific preferences about the portrayal of the lead characters, and they feel certain actors/actresses pull off those roles the best.

John Hughes kind of perpetually lives in the teen years. If you read this article, you can see he seems kind of jaded on the adult world, and how your view of the world gets tarnished as you age. Another reference I've heard him make in interviews.

I thought you came up here to have a nervous breakdown. ..I decided not to have one.


Ephebophile would be the correct term.
