Was this movie dubbed?

I'm serious... was this dubbed? I watched the whole thing thinking that it was shot in Italian and then people dubbed over everything they said, but their lip movements match everything they say. They sound awful, just utterly terrible. not one bit of dialogue that anyone speaks in this movie sounds like it came from a human being. It's either extraordinarily bad ADR or this is some of the worst acting I've ever witnessed

I'm not putting in my report that I lost a crew member to find an alien named Jerry -Barnes


I thought Michael Garfield who played the main character of Mike Brady sounded natural enough with his mild NYC-ish East Coast accent.

Relax in the safety of your own delusions.- J.R. Bob Dobbs


Italian??? The director plus a number of the cast and crew are from Spain. As far as I know being from Spain doesn't make you Italian.

The only connection between Spain and Italy is how they make films. They're filmed with no sound. Than dubbed later. In many of these films, but not all both Italy and Spain the actors are actually speaking English. If they're speaking Italian or Spanish, someone else in the cast may only be English speaking.

As for Slugs. The Spanish speaking actors did seem dubbed. They're playing Americans so perhaps they couldn't pull off the accent. Maybe they were tough to understand.
