Is this the one...

Is this the "Sleeping Beauty" where there is a little furry person? If not does anyone know the movie I'm talking about. I remember watching a Sleeping Beauty based movie when I was a kid and I have been dying to see it again but the furry thing is the only thing I can remember.



I hope this is the right one! All I remember is the fairied blessing the cot at the beginning and then the 'I know you.. I walked with you once upon a dream' song i na huge ballroom. It was definitely with people and I used to watch it as a kid. Can anyone help? Is this the right film? if not, are there any others?


There is a huge ballroom in this movie but I'm pretty sure that Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Theme is nowhere to be found. This one has its own kind of soundtrack and I don't think the prince or sleeping beauty ever sing that song (Especially since Disney put the words to the song for the cartoon and they are unforgiving when it comes to copyrighting). But I remember watching this one as a kid and loving it. So maybe you're just melding the cartoon and the live action together in some childhood memories. This one has golden plates for the fairies but they don't have enough and therefore don't invite the red fairy leading to the curse. I hope I helped at least a little. ITs always fun to re-visit childhood memories.


thanks that's helps a bit. I think this is the one i'm thinking of. Does it show the king burning all the spinning wheels? I think that was in it...


There is definite burning of spinning wheels. Then there is some big deal about not getting any new cloth so everyone is in tatters and eventually there is some song where all I remember is them singing "rip" over and over and over again. So goes what I remember from I movie I last watched when I was 8. I'm pretty sure that the Prince has a perm too!


lol ok thanks for that! x


yeah, I remember now. Everyone dances in the ballroom and the 'once upon a dream' song plays but it does have no words to it in the version I remember.


I've just seen it (or at least the kids were watching it, and I caught bits of it). It does have that music in it. I noticed, for exactly the reason you mention (copyright), but it's just the music. That doesn't belong to Disney, right? Anyway, the music is in it, but not the words.


This is definately the version you are all thinking of, i have it on VHS. Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Theme is in it when the fairies are giving the princess her virtues and there is an elf who wears animal skins who resembles a "little furry thing" It's also the one where there is a song about tattered clothes and where they burn all the spindles. Also, the red fairy doesn't get invited because there aren't enough golden plates, if that jogs your memories at all. I love this movie so much, i used to watch it all the time and it's just about the only one that hasn't come out on region 1 dvd, darn it, along with the frog prince. All of the Cannon movie tales are great and very nostalgic if you watched them when you were little.
