Mario Puzo Novel

I have just recently read Mario Puzo's "The Sicilian" and I enjoyed it very much. It was a very decent follow-up to "The Godfather." I have not seen the movie yet and am considering purchasing it, however, I would like to know how faithful the movie is to the book. I am well aware that the characters of Michael Corleone, Peter and Dominic Clemenza, and Stefan Andolini were removed because of copyright reasons. Michael and Clemenza were not very relevant in the novel, so it doesn't bother me too much. I am also aware that Lambert's portrayal is highly criticized, so I am curious why. I would like to know how well the Guilano story from the novel was followed in the movie.


I have read the book a number of times, and have also seen the movie. The movie follows the novel very well. There is some small changes, but as far as a movie following a novel, it does well. Lambert's portrayal is criticized because most people think of the real-life Guilano, and not the Puzo Guilano. The movie does have some random nudity and things that some people really dislike about the movie, but if you have read Puzo very much, you would know that it is prevelant in his books. It isn't as well done (as a movie) as The Godfather, but follows the book well.


I understand that Mario Puzo wrote both stories (The Sicilian & Godfather) however I feel in relation to the film that the actors despite their talents, didn't balance the film too well. I feel that Puzo has an interesting script and it should be towed out of this first version. Maybe never.
I'd like to recommend "The Last Don".


What copyright problem?Puzo wrote all the books,surely?
