Title song

The end title song "Shy People" was performed by me Michael Bishop and produced by myself and
Barry Rudolph. You can see our credits in the end titles as the song plays.Not many people know this because Tangerine Dream does not want anyone to know Andrei chose me to sing the track instead of
the female singer TD wanted. I also sang the "going to town" sequence. I am also the Black Blues singer
on the porch when Jill and Martha arrive in the Bayou.I wrote the on camera music and voice, "Hummin' the Blues" This is a wonderful movie and I am proud of my work in it. Roger Ebert mentioned me and the end title song in his review on "At the Movies"
Michael Bishop


Thanks for posting here Michael. I too like your version better than the TD/Jackie version, though that one is okay. You have every right to be proud of your work here. This really is a wonderful film on every level, and it's a damned shame it seems locked in a vault somewhere.
