Was this movie underrated?

Was this movie underrated? And I love this movie


I think so, I have rated it an 8/10. One of my favorites from the 80s.


Same and my top 5 favourite of all time


I think because it was a moderate hit, very 80's and Michael J Fox wasn't really a monster star in the traditional sense.

It is one of those movies when it comes on you end up sitting down and watching it all the way thru. The cast is very good and the movie has good flow.


I could see that actually. And yeah my top 5 favourite movie of all time


Nowadays it probably is underrated because I don't think it has as big a cult following as many other 80s movies. However, in 87 it made almost 70 million. In todays money that would be a very big hit so I'd guess it wasn't underrated in the 80s but is now.

Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!


70 million wow. I guess lots of people watched it! Not sure how many loved it tho


Problem with the movie is it's a tad too close to MJF's Alex P Keaton's character from Family Ties and the dialogue is awful and the plot is all over the place, it as it's moments, but they're few and far between


It's probably my favorite Michael J. Fox movie after the first two BACK TO THE FUTURE films. It's probably underrated because it's buried under the popularity of the BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy.



Very underrated. One of my favorite movies of all time with my favorite actor.


It's a pretty fun comedy.


It's probably underrated because it's buried under the popularity of the BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy.

^This. I put Secret of My Success right up with Bright Lights, Big City and The Hard Way as probably the most underrated movies in Michael J. Fox's filmography.

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.
