Last seasons winners

When Sub-Zero is killed the audience reaction, Killian and the Justice Department calling the show leads me to believe that this was the first time a stalker had been killed on the show. How do contestants advance over a stalker without killing them? Is there an objective in each zone? There wasn't any explained in the Sub-Zero zone but I could imagine something but what about Dynamo and Buzzsaw? Or Fireball?


there are 4 zones you have to pass, and I guess the object is to just get past the zone alive, while a Stalker is trying to kill you. I guess if perhaps you get the end of the course you might win, but four killers is a lot easier to bypass if you just kill them.


I never undestood how any runner could survive the final zone. You're in a pit with barbed wire and metal spikes. How in the hell could you pass this part without killing the stalker? Maybe there's a button you have to push or something to win. Who the hell knows.


Noone knows how you would survive, because technically noone ever had.

To keep the show entertaining, they would have to have a "carrot", which in this case is freedom. If noone ever obtained freedom, then the "thrill" that an audience experiences when a runner gets near freedom would have been decreased.

So, to keep ratings you would kill the runners without letting anyone know, then do up a "video" of them winning and going on vacation.

Alternatively, have a couple win for realism, then you take them out the back door and dispose of them as you see fit.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.




Seeing as how all three of their bodies were found in the same area, they either were in the same episode, or they were simply executed in that area after winning.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to take them all the way back to that zone and burn them though, since they could have just shot them at the end and saved themselves a lot of time... so I'm gonna go with the 'working together in the same episode' explanation.

What still doesn't make any sense is how they were expected to have won, if people were unprepared to see a stalker die. There were no clear objectives in each zone, and in the first one they were locked into the area until they had killed SubZero.. so it doesn't seem like there was any other way except to kill the stalker.

You also have to wonder why it was such a popular show, if contestants were expected to get cut down easily in the first zone. If it were me, I'd expect a bit more of a chase before I was satisfied.. not that I approve of gladiatorial combat lol..


I wonder what Whitman, Price and Haddad were originally imprisoned for anyway. Seeing how morally corrupt society had become I doubt they did anything worse than farting in public.

As to whether they were all on the same show I'm inclined to think yes and not just because they were all found in the same room. If you think back to the brief "video" of them enjoying their prize Whitman is dressed in a blue jumpsuit whereas Price and Haddad are wearing matching suits that are identical to the ones Weiss and Laughlin are decked out in so I assume Whitman was the main star of their episode and Price and Haddad were his associates.


Realizing that the "Whitman, Price, and Haddad" thing was just a ruse, I wondered if Killian was truly sincere about making Richards a stalker. It may have been just another ruse, but it's not really clear.


He was sincere. Wouldnt have offered it in private if he wasnt. Besides when your a tv exec/host... Ratings make or break you. Ben was a ratings magnet. He has everything the stalkers didnt, and people loved it. Thus make him a star and people would turn in weekly to see 'Ben "The Survivor" Richards'




Considering the audience members pick which stalker enters the game zone, I would assume they use techniques like the dropping fence and guys on motorcycles to herd the contestents into the appropriate zone.





I always wondered that as well Dave.


I think most 'Runners' would've been killed off pretty quickly, especially in zones of absolutely no escape.

Then, the producers of the show would have edited footage together to make the show longer, & more like there was an actual chase, using the Stalkers, & body doubles to fake the action. Just as they did with Ben Richards "death", at the hands of Captain Freedom.

They can still have the 'live' elements, where the studio audience picks the stalker, & he goes on the chase, but it would've already been performed/prepared.


Also, it was a public execution disguised as a TV show, & no runner would ever be allowed to live really.

The Whitman, Price & Hadad 'wins' were just there so it appeared there was a chance to win, & that the justice system (allegedly) had some hope.

I don't think that those 3 winners were on the same show. I think they just happened to meet their end by Fireball there across the years. Or taken there, or possibly lured there for execution. They may have even been on a similar mission to Richards, Weiss & Loughlan, & attempting to find the network satellite uplink thing.

I agree it doesn't appear a stalker has been killed before, going from the shock to the audience/nation. However, the ratings would have been going through the roof when Richards & co. did manage to do just that, & more. Killian, Cadre & all the powers that be would've been extremely happy at that point, until the people started betting on Richards.

This is where I think that they had to end the chase with the faked death, in order to stop further public unrest.

As for him becoming a stalker, part of me feels they would've executed him at the 1st possible opportunity, as he had already proved to be a great leader for the resistance, & would've always been a threat even if he joined the show. The other part feels that they would've loved the ratings, but how they could've passed off the lies, & the editing of life & society, when Richards & the resistance had already exposed them, is another guess.

When the crowd


