This was sub par

The 80' were THE decade for Arnie. After striking box office gold with the 2 fantastic films "Conan the Barbarian" and "The Terminator" (we kindly purge Conan the Destroyer and Red Sonja off the records) he made the insanely enjoyable Commando which was like the the ultimate Arnold film. Over the top, but knowingly winking at the audience, with great action and funny one-liners. Surely it wasn't Citizen Kaine, but it was just great entertainment all around.

Then came Predator, another 80s classic. And Raw Deal, which was forgettable, but not too bad. Red Heat also was highly entertaining. Then Arnie did Total Recall which also was great all around before peaking with T2. Then his first box office failure came with The Last Action Hero and from there it was pretty much a downslide.

But this film, man. It was made when Arnie was the biggest action star in Hollywood, yet it feels so cheap and rushed. The director mostly did TV work before this and it shows. It feels like a low budget Sci-Fi B-Movie. The Cinematography looks like this was made for TV, the music sounds like it was recorded in 10 minutes on a 20$ keyboard. The action scenes are mostly unexciting, not executed very well, they feel very disjointed. And the climax is so lame, it feels they just walk into the film studio, shoot a bunch of guards and the bad guys are finished. And the one liners don't come off as effortless as in Commando.

Yet it's not a total failure. It has Arnie in his prime and he still got great charisma, comedic timing and a great onscreen presence. But the film as a whole feels just cheap.


I thought the movie is p.o.s the first time I watched it. Then, because Arnie is in it, I decided to give it another shot and the film became one of my favorites. And I very rarel change my views.. TRM has Arnie, has awesome soundtrack, bits of dark humor, Killian, future that seems very close to happening - unthinkable then.
The Running Man is one of my favorite Arnie films, besides T2, Red Heat, Commando, Predator and Last Action Hero.


Well, I thought the Soundtrack was pretty bad. It sounded like it was recorded on a 20$ Keyboard.


Harold Faltermeyer did the score (man behind Top Gun and Tango & Cash) and in those films and this he was awesome. Some mix of electronic and rock music; IMHO matches the 80s oerfectly. And not to forget Restless Heart during the end credits. It was kinda like We Fight For Love in Commando.


Don't forget his #1, Axel-F.

it feels they just walk into the film studio, shoot a bunch of guards and the bad guys are finished.

did you expect a TV studio to be secured like a top secret military base? Also, these are the guys who broke out of a high-security prison facility earlier in the film...

It’s ridiculous to critique a movie with the argument 'it's not real, so it doesn't matter'


Don't forget his #1, Axel-F.

That song had been my number 1 for a very long time.


did you expect a TV studio to be secured like a top secret military base? Also, these are the guys who broke out of a high-security prison facility earlier in the film...

What I ment was that it didn't feel like a proper climax. Being an 80's Arnold action movie this felt weak.



The whole reality TV concept showed foresight and there's some great one liners, but the OP's pretty spot on in a lot of ways. The action scenes are very ordinary and generally poorly choreographed.

As someone suggested on another thread, this film needed someone like Paul Verhoeven directing to really see the strongest outcomes achieved.🐭


It's a fairly entertaining action film, but both the screenplay (partly based on the 1970 German TV movie Das Millionenspiel, which is *much* better) and direction (Glaser was clearly in over his head) miss the satirical, darkly comical aspects of the story almost completely. Schwarzenegger is miscast, too. Verhoeven would have improved on the concept.


I enjoyed the movie, but I agree that the execution was pretty abysmal, as well as agree with everyone else that Verhoeven would've done wonders had he directed it. This is one of those rare instances where I would welcome a remake, hands down.

Emojis=πŸ’© Emoticons=
