MovieChat Forums > Roxanne (1987) Discussion > Did anyone else count 25 jokes?

Did anyone else count 25 jokes?

In the scene at the bar in which C.D. has to come up with 20 jokes better than "big nose," did anyone else count 25 jokes? Either I'm mistaken, or the people in Nelson just can't count. (Maybe it's a Canadian/metric system thing?)

"Everybody has their opinion, and yours is wrong." -Dave Barry


I wass too busy laughing at CD's jokes to actually be counting them, jeez, lighten up.


Yes, there are 25 jokes (actually 24 and the insult 25th)

I wonder if they filmed 25 and were going to drop the worst five?


I always took it as the guys wanting more - he is on joke 19 when he asks how many he's done, and they yell 15 - I always assumed that the guys just wanted him to come up with a few more so that they could keep laughing - knowing full well that CB lost count by that point...


I thought he was drunk or just stupid



Yeah the guy actually yells out "14!" I always just thought he yelled out a number at random without really knowing. As someone else said, CD was up to 19 when he asked.

Here's the clip here:

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


I counted 25 as well.

"Oh no. He's turned me into a mime!"


Yeesh, Martin (as the screenwriter) obviously came up with more than he could fit in the span of 20. So he had a character holler out an incorrect number so he could include them all. That's all it is.


1 obvious
2 meteorological
3 fashionable
4 personal
5 punctual
6 envious
7 naughty
8 philosophical
9 humourous
10 commercial
11 polite
12 melodic
13 sympathetic
14 complementary
15 scientific
16 obscure
17 inquiries
18 French
19 pornographic
20 religious
21 disgusting
22 paranoid
23 aromatic
24 appreciative
25 dirty


Well remember CB said he could come up with more than 20. So its okay if he went over.


I wasn't really counting but I thought they only did 19. I was waiting for number 20 at the end of that scene.


Just a theory:

I think they filmed more than 20 jokes because when the movie is shown on regular network TV there are probably a few jokes that wouldn't get past the censors; this way there would still be at least 20 jokes in the edited version.

The closest I've ever come to abstinence is no salt on my margarita.
