Such a low rating!?

Wonderful warm funny and kind hearted film.

Steve and Daryl were great in this, no idea why it's rated so low!

One of those movies I didn't "get" when I was a kid but so meaningful watching it now.


Sorry heisenberg, a bit late late to your party but hear, hear! Whenever I click on to a title on IMDB I like to guess the rating and I must modestly say I'm usually pretty accurate. I was thinking to myself this would be a solid 7.5 or maybe even higher, so was very surprised to see it lower than this. I agree with you, the film had a sweet script and tone, good acting and because it was based on the classic Cyrano tale a certain historical élan that many modern rom-coms are lacking.

I will vote it a solid '8'!

Vice President of the BSG Board and Baltar Administration lackey


No problem - welcome to the party. Thank you for your articulate and erudite reply. You've almost made me desire to get out the DVD and watch it again now.


This was just on TV here in Hungary (but obviously I have already seen it like a dozen times before) so I came here to look up a couple of actors and facts and I was stunned by the rating. I expected 7.0 or anything above, maybe 6.9 was my worst case scenario. I voted 8, and this movie definitely deserves a solid 8. You can call it 4 out of 5 stars, or 3.5 out of 4 (like Ebert gave it back then), whatever, it's a comedy classic.


I agree - I came here expecting a 7.5 or approx. A classic movie.


It's one of my absolute favorite movies and I watch it any time I can find it. It's not deep or important, it's just nice and fun. I gave it an 8.
