MovieChat Forums > Roxanne (1987) Discussion > CD and Roxanne's age difference

CD and Roxanne's age difference

So in real life, Martin was 41 and Hannah was 26. In the film the age difference didn't even matter or come up. To me the age difference wasn't even noticeable. However, in real life, this age difference would be considered creepy by a lot of people.


"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." -George McFly


Yeah i thought that too,it would definitely be noticed and even commented on nowadays,but in the movie its not even mentioned

"When your down here with me you'll float too!!"


I took it to be she was 30ish and he was late 30's. So a ten year difference at most. She could have even been early 30's; finally back (or starting) college after who knows what. She didn't look 26 and Martin didn't like 40+!

Besides, how is it creepy? If she was below 25, or 20ish, than that's sort of creepy. But if someone is 25ish and up they are not exactly a kid and even if they go out with a 50 year old they know what they are doing and aren't naive and gullible enough to be preyed on by an older predator who can manipulate them. Hell, many women are like this at age 16! THEY are the ones who exploit older guys! (Sugar daddies).


I totally agree with you. Some people think it's creepy though, which I don't get. It didn't seem creepy at all in the movie. Age is just a number, chemistry is what's most important.

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." -George McFly




Martin looked older simply because of his hair color. If you looked at his face in the movie he still had a youthful smooth face. I figured he was supposed to be early forties and she was more like early thirties in the movie. Not that big of an age difference for mature adults. You just had to suspend reality. Plus Martins character had a youthful sense of humor and demeanor and Roxanne seemed pretty mature. So they clicked.


Hollywood is made up of mostly older males. Their preferences and desires make an impact in casting.


I agree. Plus they probably also wanted to cast a younger attractive leading lady (I think she's boring looking honestly) to make sure they bring in their money maker audience (young adults and teens).


I don't know how old all of you are, but age differences are not creepy. When one person connects with another, it's magical and (for some people) rare. We should celebrate these connections, not question them as creepy, odd or call them "sugar daddys". My sister married a wonderful man 22 years her senior, and had 33 glorious years with him before his untimely passing. CD and Roxanne were clearly meant for each other, and it was wonderful seeing their relationship evolve in this film!
