His name is neo!

I bet they thought no one would see this peice of crap movie.

late for the sky


I bet they thought no one would see this peice of crap movie.

Exactly! That's how all Hollywood Big-League Films get away with it. No one knows, so no one believes. Try posting this on THE MATRIX board and see what happens. Two things will happen: no one will reply, or they'll say the evidence is not enough.

The HARRY POTTER Novels/Movies

They're all some of the Big-League Films that have ripped-off low budget crap that pretty much no one has even heard of anymore.

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman



NEO in the Matrix is a scrambled version of the word ONE, the way MOBIL ave. station was for LIMBO. It's doubtful it had anything to do w/ Robot Holocaust, although the Wachowskis do like cult films like this, supposedly.


neo also means new, which makes sense in the context of both movies


#....and he dances on the sand.....#

Why is Duct Tape like The Force?



“Thelma and Louise” is a rip-off of what?

A 1988 sex comedy called Assault of the Killer Bimbos. Some go-go dancers are framed for the murder of their boss, and they go on a cross country road trip basically to avoid being caught by a Sheriff and his Deputy (played by Eddie Deezen). Reviewer Joe Bob Biggs even pointed it out once. His quote is on the ASSAULT DVD cover, help sell the movie I guess.

"THELMA AND LOUISE is a dead ringer, let history show that "ASSAULT" was first."

Or something like that.


"They're all some of the Big-League Films that have ripped-off low budget crap that pretty much no one has even heard of anymore."--wallacesawyer

You're right, of course. But, let's look at the good side of this, little known schlock films like Robot Holocaust will find new audiences because of the comparisons. Remember "Manhunter" ? When it was released it was quickly forgotten with a little whimper, then "Silence of the Lambs" came out and now "Manhunter" is a cult classic!

Live Long and Prosper!


You're right, of course. But, let's look at the good side of this, little known schlock films like Robot Holocaust will find new audiences because of the comparisons.

If anything helps, the MST3K version needs to be released to DVD.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I just read that somewhere. I remember seeing this in the early days of MST3K when I didn't know what the show was about, long before Matrix was around, man that would of been a neat joke.

The two have nothing to do with each other obviously.



Hate to pee on your parade wallacesawyer but having a character with the same name does not constitute plagirism, not even close. Infact in the case of the Harry Potter / Troll, the name Harry Potter appears in an episode of Monty Python (of which Rowling is a self confessed fan) which pre-dates Troll by some 20 odd years.

Ideas can't be copyright. And yet many ideas from certain films made it into others. Coincidence? Possiblly, or possibly not. Only the film-makers know for sure.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:
