LOL!!! Clarence Boddiker was the man!


That's a great line and scene but my favorite Clarence moment is when he sticks his fingers in the guy's wine and sniff them LoL

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


Movies had BALLS back then. Movies were made with the spirit of the Mighty Cock of Conan, which is made of STEEL.

Now everything sucks: pussies ruined everything.


I just couldn't resist to read your comment in Arnold's accent instantly.

Being a critic is not a real profession, and it sure as hell is not rocket science either


Read the trivia- apparently Ferrer and Kurtwood Smith kept on cracking up when this line was said.. it was a great line. Great film- oh for the days of proper storytelling without CGI..


That was the shortest possible way to deliver that message. Clarence didn't speak anything else in that scene, no unnecessary BS, just getting the job done.
