DVD Release?

Has anyone heard if this is being released on DVD? Would be great


I wish! I've been waiting for years, since this is one of my favorite cheesy sci-fi movies.


some of the gray market places have copies but no legit release
try superhappyfun


I got it on video tape from Amazon.com and got it copied to dvd. I love this movie, but i very much doubt it will ever have a dvd release :(



I've still got the tv version and copied it onto DVD! It's such a camp movie! Doubt it will ever get a release but stranger things have happened. Slaughter High got a release after all...

I Georgie, am Pennywise the Dancing Clown- and you, are Georgie!


I'm gonna try to get this released on DVD. I have connections.

If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.


Welllll? I'm waiting!!!


Me too :(


This film is available on both DVD and Blu-ray from writer/director Jeff Lieberman. You can order a copy in either format from Lieberman's website http://jeffliebermandirector.com.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
