best lines

Such a great and underrated movie. Not a lot of people know about it, but those that do absolutely love it. If you liked this, watch Big Trouble In Little China - another great comedy.

My favorite lines are:

(after Nick sends the pen to outerspace)
NICK: It's a homing device. They probably think I'm in trouble or something. I hope they don't think I didn't like the pen.
(in Bob's garage)
NICK: Is my presence here upsetting you?
BOB: Hell no!
NICK: Would you feel better if you had a gun?
BOB: Maybe...
(gives him the revolver and Nick turns around, Bob tries to fire it,nothing happens)
NICK: You don't have to test it Bob, it's not loaded.
(in CIA office after the guy steals the "map")
CIA GUY: He was with them?
NICK: Yep. They didn't get the map.
CIA GUY: Then what was that?
NICK: A note saying 'Give up, I know who your leaders are.'
CIA GUY: Who are their leaders?
NICK: I dunno.

Belushi and Ritter are so great!


in the beginning when belushi peers through the blinders and sees gangsters coming out of the car and he says, "....russians...."

ritter says, "who are those clowns?" and clowns pop out


"who are those clowns?" and clowns pop out

I love that line!


Haha. That was one of my favourites too.


I like when Ritter plans to brain Belushi with the rake at the beginning.
"You know what? I've never even been to college"
"And you never will!...unless you apply yourself, they have forms down at the college you'll have to fill out"


"don't make a big thing out of it"

(after Ritter locks himself inside the car in Vegas)
NICK: That was beautiful Bob. You caught me totally unaware!

"yes...we are all alike in this universe"

NICK: That's Hartman! Next to me he's the best agent in the world!


"did you ever stop to think how I would feel when I got done taking my leak?"
"I used to have a pretty good pen Bob"
"pissant little nothing"
"don't make a big deal about it"
"colnel? uh uh that's the deal breaker baby! take a walkski"


When they're locked in the house and the Russians are all around, and the send in the 'negotiator' and Nick takes her to the back room to 'negotiate'.

(Note - I don't remember the exact quotes so don't bag on me if I got it a little wrong!)

Coming out of the 'negotiations' Nick appears with a smoke in his hand.

Bob: I didn't know you smoked.
Nick: Just after sex Bob.
Bob: Well how much is that?
Nick: About a pack a day.
Bob: You know that will kill you?
Nick: It won't kill you Bob, but it will make you very sore.


- i like that in a man

- what do you like in woman?

- big tits....



Why did no one tell me John Ritter died???????


"Would ya look at the tits on this guy???"
"Doesn't HE look great?"

"Glad to meet you, dad."

"It might just be floatin' around in there. It
could fold over at any moment and kill you."

"He's runnin' around the house, with your shorts
on his head."

"No hittin' in the nuts, okay?" (WHAM!)

"What are you talkin' about, Bob? You're
not a secret agent. I just said that to
build your self confidence."

"But I took out Hartman?"
"Yeah, that part's true."

"Try to be more sensitive."


taking the time zones into account, he died an hour apart from Johnny Cash. Two of my childhood heroes gone overnite! I havent cried since i was a child, but the morning of Sept 12, 2003 I couldnt even go to work.


Yes, isn't that horrible? I was extremely sad when I found out as well.


Bar thugs: "We're sorry. We didn't know you were coming back. Can we buy you a drink?"

Bob: "Don't you think if I wanted you to buy me a drink, I would have told you to buy me a drink?"



Nick: Haaaapy Piiiiiie? They've got a shelf life of 3 years, Bob. This one's still got two more to go! You know, it's amazing. All life on Earth as we know it could be dead, and these pies would still be fresh.

Thug: Nah. That's Oaf's bike.
Bob: (Looks at the huge Thug named Oaf 'his' pink bicycle) Oaf?
Oaf: Yeah.
Bob: You know, I think that bike's a little small for Oaf.
Thug: Yeah, well, y'know... Oaf likes a small bike.

(Upon seeing the clown at the birthday party while going solo for the first time in the woods, and then clicking off a half-dozen shots of the empty gun at the clown)
Bob: (mumbling) Stupid son of a bitch walking around like that just ASKing to be shot.

(Upon embarking his 'training' of Bob, just outside Bob's house)
Nick: Duck! Get up! You're going to be verrrry good at this Bob.

(Towards the end of the shootout in the street with the Russians. Bob, as you remember is using his finger as a gun)
Nick: You call that cover!
Bob: I've only got two hands!!

(With the Dominatrix, in stages)
Nick: When does it get to be my turn?
Dominatrix: This IS your turn!

Nick: It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!
Dominatrix: I haven't hit you yet.
Nick: Oh.

Nick: You aren't seeing anyone on a... regular basis are you?
Dominatrix: (smiles, smokes her cigarette)




Don't you think if I wanted you to buy me a drink, I would've told you to buy me a drink?


"Hi. My name is Bob Wilson. I live at..."

"At my signal, unleash Hell."


"I've got good news and bad news"
"Whats the bad news?"
"We'll never get out of here alive"
"Whats the good news?"
"We won't be here that long"


"Hi I'm Bob Wilson. I live at..."

(Nick knocks out the agent)

Nick: Now Bob, you did good but you don't wanna use the same trick every time... ahhhhh, what am I talkin' about? You're doin' a great job!!!!

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."


" OK, you're one of those feminists, aren't you?"


Can I get an AMEN??? I agree - awesome lines! My brother and I quote Real Men constantly. How about "Happy Pie??? Huh, you want one?" Or in the garage "And you never will.....unless you apply yourself. You'll have to get an application." (Or something like that.) That whole movie was fantastic.
