Who is this movie for?


so people are saying its for everyone and...well..... first off al idk why a girl would like this , if you think in the stereotypical girl way.

the princess is uninteresting as *beep*

Then u could say this is for preteen boys , but with the torture idk if i would feel comfortable showing my kid a torture scene.
Does that make me weird? i don't think so.

maybe 10 is the sweet spot, but 12 year olds will feel that this is to childish.
And most adults are to proud to watch something that feels like its aimed at children.

so who is this movie for?


Anyone who can remember the wonder of being a child and who fully understands what it is to be human.


Film lovers.


What hammerfanatic said. I was 8 years old when it came out and it still transfixes me.


I've never met or talked to anyone who doesn't like this movie... It's for all ages & both genders.


All ages. Just enjoy the movie and don't think too much about intended audiences


I would say 13+ just for the fact that it's appreciated for the humor and quotable lines.

I keep hoping my daughter will learn to like the movie. She's 11 and still won't due to torture scene. It REALLY scared her. I think she will as she gets older.

The movie is a unique one that's for sure.




And most adults are to proud to watch something that feels like its aimed at children.

I guess that might be true for some people or for certain ages. But I am never too proud to watch things aimed at kids and the best stuff aimed at kids has great heart and is well written.

In fact, I'm not too proud to watch anything. I might not want to watch something. But it's not out of pride.

I think there's a point in people's lives where they want to be 'adult' or 'grown up' and one way to be grown up is to eschew the things they liked as kids or things aimed at kids. Some of these things they will grow out of. That's normal. (my son thought the Animorph books were the best books ever written when he was 11. He didn't feel the same way when he was 20 - although perhaps he still has affection for them)

But to throw out everything one loved as a child or is aimed at children would be to lose a great quantity of wonderful things. I am decades old. I love Viewmaster Slides, the book The Secret Garden, bubbles, poems by A A Milne, Shirley Temple, Cocoa Puffs, and - after rewatching it for the fourth or fifth time since it came out - The Princess Bride.

I try not to pass up opportunities for entertainment, pleasure, or joy. I was surprised at how happy this movie made me feel after so many rewatches. Although some of the joy now is waiting for those lines. :-)

He's only mostly dead.
To the pain.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Is this a kissing book?
That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "As you wish", what he meant was, "I love you."

Grandpa, maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow.
As you wish.
