Just me? ECT?

The scenes in which Westley is suffering the torture in the machine, is it just me, or does this look remarkably like ECT?


Pretty lazy and stupid to think anyone should get your arbitrary abbreviations.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Why so mean? Electro convulsive therapy.


It looks more like MUFF.

(Made Up For Film)




Looked a bit more KC or GHTU or FLTN to me. Or perhaps even like FOB. Yes, definitely FOB. Or TORL.

Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.


You're kidding, right? What sort of primitive FLTN's are you using? If you applied an FLTN that looked like that, you'd drive a man QVO in the MSASTVPBRI. I hope nobody lets you operate one of those, especially not one the CCR versions intended for ANXE.

Now, if you'd said it looks like an upside down YRN, then I could see where you're coming from. Same basic principle as an FLTN, just not as sticky.


Alright buddy, calm down. Who are you to criticize the way I have been initiating FLTNs? I got my GRP from EEC, so it is totally uncalled for criticism. And about CCR versions intended for ANXE, my great grandfather designed those models and the FPQRs as well. Not only that, but my father also encouraged me to get certifications in various ANXE modules, from CTP to YGNA, I know my stuff. I think you ought to back off before I alert the BNV about a potential FDSJ of PISL.


I'm sorry. It's just a really important issue with me ever since the ELLG trials killed my father. I'll try not to be so sensitive in the future.


It's cool. And hey, feel free to SMF me on BECAQ if you're ever looking for someone to discuss FYO procedures with.


I LoL'ed hard at this thread!! At least I'm the only one using a universal acronym most people know of^^




All of this is FOSAACT.
