MovieChat Forums > Predator (1987) Discussion > Why did the Predator come to earth? Why ...

Why did the Predator come to earth? Why is it killing people?

I enjoyed the film, but the villain's motive/intentions were never defined (unless I missed something).

Is there a canon explanation for what the Predator was all about? If not, give me your take. Cheers.


Yeah there is a canon explanation. Watch the rest of the movies and you will find it.


I've seen those RT scores, and they ain't pretty.


P2 and Predators aren't bad. The Predator is awful. but you do get the explanation you are after in those movies.


It's a rite of passage for the Predator.


The same reason humans hunt dangerous large game. For the challenge and the trophies. They only kill armed humans to keep it more challenging.


For the challenge and the trophies

no , sorry , still dont get it . Theres nothing challenging or dangerous about hunting large game if you're a armed with a big gun, therefore the trophies mean nothing as well.


Theres nothing challenging or dangerous about hunting large game if you're a armed with a big gun, therefore the trophies mean nothing as well.

You should do some research. You are very wrong.


Yeah ok , occasionally people have been hurt by big game.

A tiger? in Africa?


Can't believe nobody corrected you, Mark, but Tigers live in Asia. Not Africa.


yeah i know , its joke associated with the clip I posted :)
also this clip:


I just saw The Meaning of Life for the first time ever yesterday. What a cool coincidence - I knew exactly what you were referring to.


Its simple. They are hunters. They like to hunt. Hunting prey that is intelligent is more challenging then prey that isn't. Of course they have stronger weapons. Except for a very few, most sport hunters always have weapons that more than equalize the challenge. To an extent that is necessary. Any large animal that is hunted is stronger and faster than a human being.

And to be clear. I don't like hunting unless it is necessary for survival. But I can understand the impetus. It is a fairly natural instinct for humans to have.


I don't get sport hunting either but a lot of people do. You can't apply your rationale to others.


I'm not sure why you think I'm applying my rationale to others. Do you mean that I said I don't like hunting? I don't. That doesn't mean I'm suggesting or demanding others do so.

Am I making it clear I don't like it. Yes. Because I don't and I wish others shared my opinion. But I don't advocate passing laws or demanding others stop.


It's been a while since I wrote that and honestly, I don't remember. ;)


No problem. I hadn't been back for awhile either.


It's a viable source of food that doesn't need factory farming. Most big game hunts actually donate the meat to local poor communities. The money gained from those hunts help the local areas provide better environments for the animals to thrive.
My brother is a hunter and Fisher who uses the meat to feed his family. Often, theres enough for him to donate it to local families. Theres a lot of skill and danger in hunts. Deer do attack, bears bite back, a gun can be accidentally discharged, a hunter can fall on his arrows, rhinos charge, etc... it's an important skill.


I totally get that. I meant sport hunting where the meat doesn't get used.


It gets used. Big game sport hunting donates the meat to local communities. The money earned from this sport, paid by the hunter, gets invested in maintaining the hunting area. It's a interesting business you should look up.


By "sport hunting" I take it you mean trophy hunting?

Even in that case, it's beneficial in most cases. The exorbitant fees paid by these rich fat cats to hunt big game for trophy only actually support the conservation efforts. At the same time, they help with population control of aggressive predators or old, weak, and sick animals. They are also providing credibility and legitimacy to the framework that allows the reasonable and measured hunting allowances.

It's the poachers that are the problem. Killing rhinos to harvest their horns and let the carcass sit to rot. Killing elephants to extract the tusks for ivory and letting the body go to waste. Fishing sharks to cut off their fins and dump them back into the ocean, still alive, to suffer until they die.

Poachers have no regard for life. They are over killing with no regard population sustainability. It's this that I find repulsive an detestable.


Regardless of how lopsided a hunt between an unarmed lion and a man with a large caliber rifle might be, big game hunting is dangerous. Not if the hunter gets the right shot before the lion even picks up the scent of the hunter... but that isn't how thing always go. Sometimes the lion gets the hunter because the lions are good at camouflage and the hunter doesn't even see the lion until it is too late. Sometimes the lion sees the man and goes after him and if the hunter misses it doesn't always have time to reload the rifle before the lion is there. While there is little danger in the canned hunts PETA loves to show where some dumbass dentist pays 10 or 15 thousand to have them poke an old lion out of a box so he can shoot it, the pre-canned hunts were not nearly as safe for the hunter.


I thought Billy and Arnold's explanations made it very clear.


I thought it was explained in the film that it hunts for human trophies and had been doing so for quite some time.


It's been awhile since I've seen any of the movies, but The Predators hunt what they consider dangerous game. In the case of Predator 1 and 2, humans with a violent nature and firearms. In predator 1 - the Militia and then Dutch and his squad. In predator 2, the gang members. In both Predator movies, the predator shows up and is enticed by the heat of battle.

The Predators ideally want to hunt Aliens, but they're dormant in the Predator movies(?), hence why they hunt them in the Alien vs. Predator movies.


My guess the Predators evolved from a predatory species and they are biologically programmed to hunt.


I think you just have to work it out based on the subtle evidence provided in the first Predator movie.

One example would be the scene where you see him polishing Billy's skull and you see he has several skulls collected - not just Billys.

But I think the best evidence in the film that suggests the Predator hunts human for trophys is when the Hispanic lady goes to pick up a weapon to join in on the fight against the Predator and Arnold kicks it out of her hands because he knows that the Predator would classify her as a threat therefore a potential trophy. This is further backed up by his line "He didn't kill you because you weren't armed. No sport."

That one line is perfect because it sums up the entire Predator's motivations for being on Earth.

Also, near the middle of the film, the same Hispanic lady tells Dutch and his remaining men of how "this only happened during the hottest years and this year it grows hot". This is like a reference of sorts to the fact that Safari hunts are always hot etc. At least, thats what I took from her line.

So if you piece all these lines and shots together, you get a nice understanding of why the invisible alien kills our species.

Hope this helps :)


Predator 2 further elaborates on this by stating it very obviously. For example, the shot of Danny Glover looking at the stuffed animals in the shop window - this is when he came to realise that the Predator was targeting him and his clique of people specifically because it was a sport for the alien.

I'm pretty sure there are other bits of evidence in Predator 2... I just cant remember of the top of my head right now... But yeah, Predator 1 established this concept. It wasn't something that only the sequels later created.
