The Book...

I read and loved the was one of teh most truly disturbing things I'd ever have read. I have not seen the movie, but it certainly sounds different! Has anyone else read the book?


Yes, I've read the book and also seen the movie. I found the book to be more disturbing than the film. I would recommend you watching the film to see the difference, it is released on Region 1 on DVD. Just for your to see the difference.



If you're talking about the Stewart O'Nan book by the same name, it has nothing to do with this movie. The movie came out in 1987, and I think the book came out in 2000.


The book was written in the early 70's.


The one I was talking about was published in '99, and the author was 9 in 1970. Is there another book of the same title (maybe that this movie was based on)?


The book in which this movie is based was written by Jack Higgins.

Great book, I only recently found out they made a movie out of it.

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~ I need to read the book now. I really loved the movie and now I am wonderig if the novel is good as the movie.



"You are so bizarre,
even for a human

Alice Cullen from New Moon


The novel is better than the movie.

When I read it in about '92 I had never come accross such an innovative device as confessing to the priest, effectively forcing him to be unable to tell the police anything (clergy-parishioner confidentiality).

Most of Jack Higgins' books have an IRA theme to them. The best of which without a doubt is 'The Savage Day'. That gives a really good/disturbing insight of the IRA. 'Prayer for the Dying' is my second favourite Jack Higgins novel.


"When I read it in about '92 I had never come accross such an innovative device as..."

That's one of the biggest cliches in fiction and is as old as Moses' mother! Other than some mildly interesting historical detail in The Eagle Has Landed, Jack Higgins has little genuine insight into anything, IRA or otherwise.

