Were scenes cut?

Maybe I've seen a shorter version? Well, maybe someone will chance upon this board in a couple of years, but I think some scenes must have been cut out of this film. Why? Proof coming from a website for actor Laurent Malet.


Check out the second and third pictures. Apparently there's a scene where it appears Pyotr is aiming a gun at a seated Stavrogin's head. There's another photo with Lambert Wilson with that similar hair (leading me to believe it's a scene from near the end of the film that got axed).

Does ANYONE know what happened to this/these scene(s)? Was it an alternate ending? Did Stavrogin's character get some closure in the film and they cut it out? I always thought he sort of abruptly disappeared, whereas his death was the end of the novel. What a shame, really. With about 10 more minutes of closure scenes, this film could have been a much better book-to-film adaptation, even if they did diminish the roles of so many of the main female characters or cut them altogether.
