How old are all you guys?

I am 13, and I am here because Im bored, but how can you guys talk about this stupid program, watch something better, or at least talk about it, like THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY, OR THATS SO RAVEN OR HANNAH MONTANA!!!!! Something from right now, dISNEY CHANNEL ROCKS MY SOCKS!


lol..what the hell is wrong with kids



LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, you pathetic little girl. who the hell wants to watch thats so raven or hannah montana etc.? those shows are awful. im 20 and i would choose pippi longstocking any day, but the swedish one. this one is awful :d



I am 23 and i grew up on Pippi Longstocking books and movies, long live the 80s! As for the pre-teen tweenie bopper hun you don't have the slightest clue as to what good shows really are, when we grew up cartoons and movies for kids had substance, thats why we are here years later telling of our undying love for them, i highly doubt that shows like "thats so raven" or the misadventures of mody and cody or whatever ya call it will stand the test of get over yourself!


ur dum! i love this movie. it came on tv but i dont think this is the one, im 13 too. one tha shows u mentioned suck!


My mum has Pippi Longstockings on DVD, adn I think it's awesome
I am 16 this year

Hannah montana tires to hard to be funny, and it's just not

That's so Raven, is pretty good,

And Suit life of Zach and Cody, I can't stand it

I would rather Pippi anyday

Jessy <33
Add me and we can talk!


im 15. i used to watch this Pippi movie when i was younger all the time! it was one of my favorite moviies!

i enjoy talking about old movies i used to love. grow up.

heres the pippi song intro
aww im singing along to it i cant belive i remember the song

its funny how you critisize us but yet your at the board too


I am 26, I'm a guy, I now work in movies and I loved the 1988 "Pipi Longstocking" as a kid because it was such an adventure and affirmation of imagination. I also loved anything mechanical and enjoyed Chaplin films, Laurel & Hardy and The Three Stooges as a kid. The flying auto-gyro with Pipi spinning around as its propeller was and still is endlessly entertaining for me. The dubbed over voices of the horse and monkey were ridiculous then and still are just as entertainingly silly.

Sure, I notice a lot of things that as an adult that make the movie pale in comparison to the movies I love now.... but as a kid, while logical issues with the film's plot and acting would bother me, I'd just focus on the parts I liked and hold onto those and daydream. I cannot say bad things about it because it made me believe I could do anything-- just like the film's title character.

For anyone who thinks there aren't any adult ideas about life in this film, all you have to do is examine the relationship Pipi has with her father: often absent and almost, you could say, a daydream figment of her imagination that she made up just to have more adventures.
Pipi loves her father. Was any part of his appearance in the film real at all or is it possible that his strange entrance early in the film and his even stranger departure just a product of Pipi's imagination? Could Pipi be wishing so much to see her father again and know who he really is that she made an entire adventure around the idea of reuniting with him only to have to let the daydream go and return home with a humble realization:
I may never see my father again.

I think the strongest message of this film was that joy and imagination can overcome the deepest struggles. The shot of Pippi and her friends going back the the house on the horse at the very end, where we hear a voiceover of her perhaps-too-imaginary father that made me feel extremely sad. Then the film ends on a lighter note, as if to say: despite this awful feeling and realization, I will still be nobody but myself and I will follow everything I dream of doing.

My love of broader and more intellectual cinema hasn't diminished my love for this film on its own simple, enthusiastic terms.


I am 23 years old and to this day if someone mentions this movie I uncontrollably burst out into the opening theme song. which then moves into Runin' away, followed by scrubbin day.
It's a gut reaction that I can't deny, very much in the psychology experiments with trigger and response. You say Pippi I sing the song. No seriously, It's a problem. =)


I'm 30 years old and I love this movie.I finally found the DVD at Wal-Mart and I am soooooooooooooo happy.


i guess im the oldest here and im 28 this coming august. I love to see again the movie or any series of the tv show... it just reminds me of how creative 80's people making stories... making these kind of movies to be remembered... love it...

Love is a crying years of depression,even it turns to Hate


yep 24 here, i watched this movie many times when i was a kid, yeah its not the best movie ever made but its one of those movies that i will always remember from when i was a child


im 19, love it


Dear Lord, what is wrong with the younger generation?

I'm 21, so I won't pretend to be some life-experienced wise adult :p But it's clear there is such a giant gap between us.

Just because something is only recently made, doesn't make it good. It doesn't make it long-lasting.

I object to your calling Pippi Lonstocking 'stupid', the same as you would object to me calling That's So Raven stupid. You have your opinion, I have mine.

What you need to realise is, that while Pippi is quite a few years old now, most of us grew up with her. Sure it may not be the best story ever, or the best movie ever made, but it's a movie for kids, and the kids at that time, well we loved it. It didn't have to be awesome, it was just the feeling that we got from watching it.

I honestly believe that Pippi will be something that a majority of us will remember for years to come. I think your generation will remember the shows you mentioned, but I don't think they will be long-lasting.


Wow. I'm 23, making me 4 when this movie came out. I loved it. Actually, 4 years ago in my freshman year of college me and my friends remembered this movie and listened to the theme song in one of my friend's cars all the time. LOL! And then my roommate bought the movie on DVD for us to watch, but then we ended up not being able to have a DVD player because her television was too old to support it. We were devastated. LOL! Although I haven't seen this movie since probably the late 80s to early 90s, I still remember some of the stuff that happened, like the floor scrubbing and the horse and monkey.

Anyway, to the original poster, grow up. Just because you can't appreciate a movie that was made before you were born doesn't mean you should be immature and come to a message board to tell everyone it's bad. And besides, Pippi Longstocking had a good message because the kids were always out doing things or just did silly things to have fun. The shows you mentioned can't even be compared because the characters don't have the same motives at all.


It's a movie, not a program. And why don't you go annoy ppl on a ' Hannah Montana' or 'That's So Raven' board then?

And i'm 22 and a fan of this MOVIE.

