MovieChat Forums > Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night (1987) Discussion > I saw this in the theater .. am I the on...

I saw this in the theater .. am I the only one

I remember when I saw this one in the theater. Am I the only one from my generation who actually saw this on the big screen?



This freaked me out as a kid.


I never saw this in theaters, but I did as a kid. Since then I've lost the movie (most likely a LONG time ago) and I am trying to find it anywhere. For years I've been wondering the name of that Pinocchio movie I always remember about and then someone told me it was Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night.

Now I can't wait to watch it again. This movie was SO crazy but in a nostalgic and good sort of way. My memorable moments include:

- The cricket saying, "Oh, nooooooo!" I don't know why, but the way he said it was so freaky.

- The bad guy rowing Pinocchio to the evil place and saying, "Here we aaaaarrree." THAT was awesomely scary.

- The giant frog

- Pinocchio on stage and his limbs being controlled. Also, that doll.


Do i remember correctly or did the video case to this have a musical thing that you touched and it played a little tune ?


Yeah it did lol i had it ^_^



were u in the theater alone?

KABANG shoot from the hip!


If anyone can make an 128kbps MP3 of Rickie Lee Jones' "Love is the Light Inside Your Heart" from the end credits, I'd not only appreciate it, I'll also forward the file by e-mail to anyone who wants a copy. Just type your e-mail addresses here - after the file's available. Thanks.


You're not the only one. I remember seeing it in the theater when I was a kid too.

In recent years I was trying to remember what it was called and No One I know even remembers the movie. heh.

They all thought I was joking with em or something.



I watched this when I was a little kid and I forgot that I even had the video until today. I remember I never liked it and didn't watch more than a couple of times because I thought it was scary. Even after 20 years it's still scary lol. The videos kind of messed up though but you can still make out who the characters are.


Had it on video, the songs and music were so damn eighties - Yay for nostalgia! :0)
'Meet the new boss...Same as the old Boss'


HEY! I love this movie! It's such a great spin off from all the other Pinocchio films made that were crap yet seemed to get known more. Anyway - what is that amazing song the Blue fairy god mother sings at the beggining (something bout love) i really want to get that song! THANKS GUYS !



Yes you are also not the only one! i too saw this at a omaha shopping mall theater when i was 5 back after christmas in 1987!

Scared me too! great memories, now if only Anchor Bay with Entertainment Rights release this on DVD.

"Questions, Questions, too many questions, you want a shard, Here!'- Aughra, The Dark Crystal.


Never saw this movie in theaters, but I recently found the tape and watched it again.

Nice Pinocchio film with great animation.



i rememebr seeing this when i was 6 or 7 at a maryland drive through

i dont remember anything at all..just that it was better than diseny picnochio, absolutely NO ONE knows about this movie, and we all must have seen this *beep* in the same theater cause if it was that limited we had to have


Was twinkle ever more than a puppet? Did the same producers do a production of the original story of Pinnochio?



I did, and was scared and flat out disturbed (I was six). Not one of my better experiences, though I was interested enough to track it down on IMDB all these years later. I even forgotten the name!


Thus Writes the Post Modern Puritan
