Very Disturbing Scene

When Pinocchio sneaks off to the circus and Puppetino starts turning him into a puppet I was only six when I first saw that scene and it's really, REALLY!! schocked me.

Ever since then anytime this cartoon was on I had to change the channel or leave the room until that scene was over.

It's the whole scene itself, the sound of his screams as he looses control of his legs during that creepy music box music.

How his hands start turning into puppets,

As the scene wares on and Puppetino magically makes the strings attach themselves to his body,

How he clings onto the stage, fighting puppetino's control over him,

How a begs for his life and then a tear runs down his face and he garggles,

...And finally, he's dead, technically speaking of course, when he's turned back into a puppet.

Am I the only one who found that scene disturbing, note I was six at the time.

P.S. I can't believe the voice of puppetino is the voice of that guy from "Murder, She Wrote," William Windom.


The film was very strange, nothing at all even remotely resembling Lorenzini's text and incoherent like a dream sequence. The animation was so poor that it was not possible to tell who was supposed to be a puppet and who wasn't.


Now that I think about it, this scene creeps me out too. but what I don't get is how it happened.
what I also don't get is why most people don't like this movie, I think it's wonderful.


Are you kidding? I just named off a good reason why.

Gepetto Looks like Santa Clause on Jenny Craig,

Scalowag and Egor look like cheap imitations of the two guys in the origenal.

the animation looks cheap, even for 1980's animation. That's probably why Filmation studeios went under.


all I did was asked, you don't have to be so mean about it


Sorry. My intentions weren't ment to be snobby. my bad.


Hell yes, that scene freaked me out when i saw this at the theater! brrrr.

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb"-Batman.


I remember seeing this movie a long time ago when I was like maybe 5, 6, or 7, lol. Unfortunately, this movie came out in theaters they year before I was born (I was born in 1988). But my mother got me the VHS, and I remember watching this, and being so scared of "The Emperor of the Night" himself. He just reminds me of the devil, and he was all big and stuff, and everytime he did something, there would always be lightning and suff. And his voice scared me too! But now, when I look at it (Im 18 now), its just really funny to me, but still a little bit scary. Did anybody ever find that guy scary too?


The Emperor of the Night (person) really scared me as well. Mind you i think the whole film is quite creepy... good film though.

I was born in 1988 as well (in the October)

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did you know it's the voice of the emperor is the same as the guy that did Darth Vader? maybe the animation is a little poor, but it looks like they used up all the budget in the voices.


I thought the animation was a big improvement over Filmation's other stuff and this took five years of hard work, well it's James Earl Jones. DUH!

"You gotta be Fking kidding"-The Thing.


Wow, I can't believe I found this movie again that scared me so much at age 6 I instantly turned it off, and it gave me nightmares. It was that very scene. Now I stumble across it after wondering what movie it was for so long, and see that everyone seems to have been scared by the same scene I was. After that, all transformation type scenes terrified me for years, even in Beauty and the Beast I didn't want to watch the transformation scene after that. Things transforming became terrifying for me.

"Kids movies" used to be terrifying back in the day, all cartoons/fantasy films seemed to have dark content at some point.
