The Edits

Watched this last night at 2240 on ITV.The amount of cuts was a joke.Is this world really so full of insensitive pussies that,what is a comedy,has to get edited for a late night viewing?

Funny thing was, Scream was on another channel at the same time.Seems a bunch of teenagers getting butchered is ok

Seen another post about how this would be dodgy if overboard happened in real life and i agree however i dont think that was the film makers intention

At this stage the only late night films we will be able to watch will be Disney,Pixar,etc...

And i bet they edit the sh1 t out of them too


Thats fu@king *beep* Just got in from work, recorded it last night haven't seen it for a while could use a few laughs. Came on here to see if there were any interesting posts, they must still be showing the Sunday afternoon version from back in 1992 or whenever.

So can't be arsed to watch it now. Recorded Wyrmwood, Road of the Dead on film 4 gonna watch that instead at least that won't be cut to *beep*
