remake remake remake

"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"


Well you got your wish.They did remake it. It was a flop.


its been and gone?


to be honest i checked out the remake as it aired just to see how bad it was, you're entitled to say i already had my mind set up going in i guess, i've always found this 1987 movie a fun enjoyable flick, the remake was the usual formula these days... corny, treat audience like children, bad jokes, suppose to be funny a guy lost his arm? slow moving and starring people i've never heard of, of course the remake was the one airing on television since the production year of a movie is more important than anything else, while i can't imagine anyone preferring to watch that over the original, also strangely enough be prepared to be glued on subtitles since they blend english with other languages, oh, and of course they switched the roles so the fella is now playing the prick and the woman the kurt russel part, you know part of the fun in the original was the woman playing this snobby ruthless person treating the fella like garbage. i would never have gotten around to check the remake out if it hadn't aired, i've seen enough remakes and modern entertainment to know. i mean... what has happened? am i the only one seeing this? i could have had a lot of fun watching the original instead i get upset by a remake... i wonder how today's entertainment will be viewed on in the future, i've pretty much given up on movies made after the 1990s, one positive thing i find is you get an urge to see the original, but it's a pity since old movies aren't as accessible and i couldn't get a hold of this. well, i have to admit i couldn't stay hooked on the remake of this and only saw bits of it, maybe it's great.

⛵️ 🚤 🛥 🛳 ⛴ 🚢 ⚓️

my past has turned into ash,
rootless im still walking the miles,
cant start over again,
as things arent the same,
on shaky ground ghosts come by once in a while,
im just waiting for this lost journey to end,
and meet the man who brings a better place.


The remake wasn't great, it was crap. And in the future these woke days of movies will be the dark times of entertainment.... Of course it is difficult to find any era of movie making when everything was good. The original was the 80's but I can assure you that the bulk of the movies made in the 80's were crap that you wouldn't want to rewatch.


I think the 90's was a great decade for movies, even if it brought us years of Seagal and Van Damn movies.


Selective memory.. remember these fine gems?
Battlefield Earth
Batman and Robin
Stop of My Mom will Shoot
Super Mario Brothers
Judge Dredd
Spice World
Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom Menace

And those are just the ones so bad they are memorable... there are a lot that you have probably completely erased from your memory. For every great movie you get from any decade in Hollywood there are scores of complete trash that are made.


the remake was awful.
You can't remake a fun movie.
The original held no flaws.
