
Man, this movie SUCKED!!



C'mon the movie wasn't that bad. Robert Carradine put on a satifying performance. It was a change from seeing him from the revenge of the nerds character. Billie Dee wasn't too bad either. I think they made a good team.



I don't think it's horrible at all, just bad. But it is just bad enough to be good, in a Plan Nine From Outer Space sort of way. This movie is a collection of non-stop cliches. From the classic black and white partners to the ball-busting chief, it almost writes itself. Was anyone surprised by the car explosion? All this movie needed was a cameo by Leslie Nielson winking at the camera to let us know the writer had his tongue firmly planted in his cheek. Or maybe it was supposed to be serious. It's hard to tell.

Nobody gets to be a cowboy forever.



I just saw it tonight and yeah as much as I like many of the actors in it they were let down by the script and direction. Not a horrible film, but it seemed to be trying too hard to be like the other buddy cop films with that serious/humor mix. It just fell flat to me at least in my opinion.


Well, they were undermined by Cannon Films which was a cheapie movie company as it's not surprising that the film came out that way. However, it definitely one of the better movies they produced of this kind and it deserved a better fate than it got.

There are plenty of good things to like about the film despite all it's cliche's, but it's a really enjoyable guilty pleasure like many of Cannon's films like 52 Pick Up, Down Twisted, Firewalker, The Delta Force and Lifeforce.

I absolutely defend the film on those merits and surprisingly better than today's movies.



There are plenty of good things to like about the film despite all it's cliche's, but it's a really enjoyable guilty pleasure like many of Cannon's films like 52 Pick Up, Down Twisted, Firewalker, The Delta Force and Lifeforce.

I liked Firewalker and Lifeforce.

Mathilda May in Lifeforce is worth the price of the DVD.

Too bad MM wasn't walking around (sans clothes) in Number One With A Bullet.

https://www.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz= 1T4GGNI_enUS517US517&q=MATHILDA-MAY+LIFEFORCE&gws_rd=ssl


Sig Line:

Many cynics and skeptics mistake their hubris negativity for actual intelligence.
