I know how to get on dvd

we should all write to the disney co. and let them know that there we want it on dvd how we do that is go it disneydvd.com and at bottom of page it says qiuestions click on than ask why or when it will be avaliable.the more people we get to write in the better our chance are for the movie to come out.


That's a pretty good idea. I am up for it. I still hope that all fans of this series will sign my petition, though. That along with letters really seems to get the notice of studios. :)


Hey, loved this series. Where do I sugn you petition?


It's at http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/nqhdvd and just follow what it says. Don't worry about that idiot on # 16 who goes by "Busted"- I am trying to figure out how to delete that comment. I have been writing to the petitionspot people, but so far no reply.

Thanks for your support, everyone!



I also love the Not Quite Human series, i havent seen part 2 yet but have read the books which are great.
Would be great if they remade it closer to the book.

PS An interesting fact is that Seth McEvoy the writer of the original books works for Microsoft writing their manuals.


I have been trying to find the books for some time now, except they all seem to be out-of-print and really difficult to find, along with the movies (although in their case, not quite as bad). I recall maybe reading one or two of them in the late 80s-early 90s in school, except I don't remember too many details about that, either. Not to mention the idiot who pretty much ruined the DVD petition (I am seriously wondering if I should make another). Anyway, glad to see there are actually people out there who remember these movies fondly, some of whom more than likely have the VHS tapes in their collections. I just am hoping that Disney will do the right thing and put these films out, and even better as a discount with a box set option. Along with new versions, I think that would be beyond cool, especially for people like me, professed scifi geeks, where NQH was definitely one of my first exposure in a very positive way to the genre at 5 or 6 years old.


Twister, I did email Disney, last time I did that the movie I was waiting for came out within a year (Flight of the Navigator). Im a SciFi Geek too. It doesn't reflect in my life though im a cop. Everyone needs an outlet a little corner in their life to relax. I grew up to wholesome 80's movies from Disney, MGM, Paramounnt even Stephen Speilberg. Remember Batteries not Included, Close Encounters of the third kind, Gremlins, Goonies and Tv shows like AutoMan, Macguyver, A-Team, those were great times to be a kid. Now we have such violent movies and games that I wonder how our children will see their past as nothing but sex and violence depicted eveywhere. That's why I try to get them movies from my youth. Good luck on the petition



:( I tried to sign the petition, but They've closed it, I hope that means they are planing on releasing it to DVD.


Sorry to have to tell you this Snooky, but I am the petition creator, I closed it because the progress of it was taking too long, and that stupid, totally inappropriate comment (I would even call it perverted and pornographic) by "Busted", whoever that is. That is why it is now closed. I don't know if I'm going to start up another one, because it seems like not all that many people know or remember these movies. I'll be informing this board and other places too about any developments about new petitions, or even better, news about DVD releases or TV rebroadcasts. I know that Family, YTV in Canada, and I believe Disney Channel in the States too has changed their format considerably since the early 90s, and want things that they feel are "surefire", so I'm not holding my breath.


I want to see Not Quite Human cos lovely Jay in it, I want it on DVD :D

RIP River Phoenix
RIP Christopher Reeve
RIP Dana Reeve
RIP Heather O'Rourke


go to this wib site to say you whant the movie out for # 1 http://disneyvideos.disney.go.com/moviefinder/products/0187403.html

for # 2 http://disneyvideos.disney.go.com/moviefinder/products/0187503.html

for # 3 http://disneyvideos.disney.go.com/moviefinder/products/0157203.html




brings you to an error page. DEAD LINK!


wow i know im stupid for this but....
someone could make a killing if you had one of those combos that recorded vhs to dvd, and just make your own dvd and sell it on ebay...
ok maybe not a killing.....but it would solve the problem :-)

The worst day is the one in which we have not laughed.


yes you are stupid !


Don't waste your time buying it, just download it from a web site called "torrentz". Google it, search for Not Quite Human on the torrentz web site and you'll get all three movies. It's VHS quality but it'll have to do, and the ones being sold on iOffer are the exact same thing!

For one thing, I don't have a VHS player and two, Disney will never release it on DVD (though they may, since it took 'Andy Richter Controls The Universe' 6 YEARS to finally put the T.V. show on DVD). Enjoy.



Couldn't find it on other torrent sites.

so yeah, either buy the illegal VHS-to-dvd ripped discs for $20, or download the illegal torrents for free. haha. Either way, you have to break the law to enjoy this film.

Thanks Disney, for making films and then hiding them... and then finally releasing them for WAAAY too much money. You butts.
