Odd final shot

North Shore is a great movie. But the very last shot of this movie bothers me to this very day! Turtle and Kiani don't have a single line of dialogue together the whole film but the final freeze frame of the movie(before the obligatory ending surfer montage) shows them hugging and laughing. That strikes me as very odd. Do they even really know each other???


LOL! I always thought the same thing too! That scene always bothers me too!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


I think you have to assume they at least know of each other as a minimum. In that community, everyone kind of knew everyone...or at least knew of everyone.





I also thought it was odd. I think it was basically about Turtle acting broken up about Rick leaving, and holding onto the girl for emotional support. (Her look is more pitying than anything).
