ANOES 3: Deaths more "realistic" (stay with me here)...

That may sound like a stupid thing to say, but consider this:

Beginning in #3 and through the remainder of the films, Freddy's kills became less "slasher" and more dream like. In 1 and 2, Freddy's kills were slasher kills and the kids all died as though a slasher hunted them down and killed them where they were. And granted, Freddy's glove is an awesome cool weapon so of course the early films should put that to use. No complaints here.

But eventually they had to get to the heart of what Freddy really is. A guy who kills you in your dreams. And in dreams anything can happen. And where anything can happen, anything can kill you. In a colorful array of creative ways! So in a sense, that makes the deaths more "realistic" (though not based on actual reality, but rather what really happens in dreams). My only disappointment is that contrasting humor of what can sometimes happen in a dream, sort of takes the edge off the horror. I would like to have seen those dreams be a little more creepy/eerie.


Agree. The kills in 3 are very mean spirited and among my favorite in the franchise.


Given the times you have to consider. Had they made it any more realistic they mightve scared off the audiences and it mightve been as popular. They have to add humor to reel them in. Otherwise people especially at the time where humor was bigger and horror less popular it mightve been known as much or been as popular. I know quite a few scary films in any era that most people dont know about and are quite scary but the cheesy ones with some horror get sold. Are you going to tell me that really paranormal activity is one of the scariest most original films of all-time?
